
Code and data to replicate modeling in "Units of processing in perceptual normalization for speaking rate"

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Code and data to replicate modeling in "Perceptual normalization for speaking rate occurs below the level of the syllable"


shkas.csv - participant data to replicate Experiment 1

swihb.csv - participant data to replicate Experiment 2


results.Rmd - contains code and prose to replicate results sections of manuscript, including all tables, models, and modeling figures


manuscript.pdf - complete, compiled manuscript

manuscript.tex - Latex file for compiling manuscript

figures/exp1-eshness-rating.jpeg - plot of [ʃ]-ness rating by continuum step from Experiment 1; generated with results.Rmd

figures/exp1-prop.jpeg - plot of proportion [ʃ] responses by continuum step from Experiment 1; generated with results.Rmd

figures/exp2-eshness-rating.jpeg - plot of [ʃ]-ness rating by continuum step from Experiment 2; generated with results.Rmd

figures/exp2-prop.jpeg - plot of proportion [ʃ] responses by continuum step from Experiment 2; generated with results.Rmd

figures/stimuli_schema.pdf - schema outlining speaking rate manipulations for Experiment 1

figures/stimuli_schema_exp2.pdf - schema outlining speaking rate manipulations for Experiment 2


Cychosz, M. & Newman, R. (Accepted). Perceptual normalization for speaking rate occurs below the level of the syllable. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. (pre-print)