WP Simple Related Posts

Welcome to the official repository for Simple Related Posts WordPress plugin. The latest stable version is available from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

  • Related posts based on categories, tags.
  • Can be replaced and sort of related posts at admin screen.
  • I can be added as an add-on another related posts algorithm.

You can make addon to use Addon Template.


  1. Upload wp-simple-related-posts to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.

How to use API

sirp_get_related_posts_id($display_num = '')

  • @param $display_num int Number of acquisitions.
  • @return array Related Posts IDs.

sirp_get_related_posts_id_api($display_num = '', $post_id)

  • @param $display_num int Number of acquisitions.
  • @param $post_id int post_id.
  • @return array Related Posts IDs.
