


1. 初始化配置


const ChClient = require('@meguoe/clickhouse-client');

const db = new ChClient({
  url: 'http://localhost',
  port: 7023,
  debug: false,
  format: 'json',
  isUseGzip: true,
  basicAuth: {
    username: 'default',
    password: '123456',
  config: {
    session_timeout: 600,

2. 构造查询

  • 2.1 查询单个值
// 查询单个值,比如下面例子返回的是数字51,满足条件的数据条数
const result = await db
  .where("name", "测试", "like")
  • 2.2 查询单条数据
// 查询单条数据,返回的是 result = {id:12, name: '测试页面', ....}
const result = await db
  .where("id", 12) // id = 12
  • 2.3 查询多条数据
// 查询多条数据 返回的是 ressult = [{...}, {...}];
const result = await db
  .where("name", "测试页面", 'like') // name like '%测试页面%'
  • 2.4 服务端分页查询
// 查询多条数据(服务端分页) 返回的是 ressult = {total: 100, rows:[{...}, {...}]};
const result = await db
  .where("id", 100, "lt") // id < 100
  .queryListWithPaging(3, 20); //每页 20 条,取第 3 页
  • 2.5 转为sql自己处理
const result = await db
  .where('id', 100)

expect(result).toBe('select id from page where `id` = 100');

3. 构造插入

const task = {
  action: "testA",
  description: "desc1",
  state: "123",
  result: "result1"

// 插入一条数据
const result = await db
  .insert("task", task)

// 也支持直接写字段,支持增加字段
const result = await db
  .column("action", "test")
  .column("create_time", Date.now())

// 插入多条数据
const tasks = [ task1, taks2, task3 ];
const result = await db
  .insert("task", tasks)

// 支持增加或覆盖字段
const result = await db
  .insert("task", tasks)
  .column('create_time', Date.now())  // 循环赋值给每一行数据
  .column('create_user', 'huisheng.lhs')

4. 构造更新

const task = {
  action: "testA",
  description: "desc1",
  state: "123",
  result: "updateResult"

const result = await db
  .update("task", task)
  .where("id", 1)

const result = await db
  .column("action", "test-id22")
  .column("create_time", Date.now())
  .where('id', 2)

// 字面量使用 Date.now() 等价于 db.literal("now()")
const result = await db
  .column("count", db.literal("count + 1"))
  .column("create_time", db.literal("now()"))
  .where('id', 2)

5. 构造删除

const result = await db
  .where("id", 1)

6. 自定义SQL

// 执行自定义SQL
const result = await db
  .sql('select id from page where `id` = ?')
  .params([ 100 ])

7. 复杂条件查询设计

7.1 查询条件所有参数说明

// 查询条件所有参数
const result = await db
  .where(field, value, operator, ignore, join) // 支持的所有参数
  .where({field, value, operator, ignore, join}) //支持对象参数
// 复杂查询条件
const result = await db
  .where("id", 100, "gt") // id > 100
  .where("tags", "test", "like") //name like '%test%'
  .where("tech", tech, "eq", "ifHave") // tech='tech_value' 当 tech 为空时,不做为查询条件
  .where("tags", tags, "findinset", "ifHave", "or")
  • field 字段名
  • value 传入值
  • operator 操作符,默认equal4
  • ignore 是否加为条件,返回false时则忽略该条件
  • join 连接符号(and or),默认为and

7.2 查询条件优先级支持

// where a = 1 and (b = 1 or c < 1) and d = 1
const result = await db.select('*')
  .where('a', 1)
    {field: 'b', value: '1', operator:'eq'},
    {field: 'c', value: '1', operator:'lt', join: 'or'},
  .where('d', 1)

8. 监听事件

const config = db.config();

// 监听事件 执行前
config.onBeforeExecute(function({ sql }) {

// 监听事件 执行后
config.onAfterExecute(function({ sql, result }) {

// 监听事件 执行出错
config.onExecuteError(function({ sql, error }) {

9. 内置的operator及ignore

  • 内置的默认operator

    • eq (equal)
    • ne (not equal)
    • in (in)
    • gt (greater than)
    • ge (greater than or equal)
    • lt (less than)
    • le (less than or equal)
    • isnull (is null)
    • isnotnull (is not null)
    • like (like)
    • startwith (start with)
    • endwith (end with)
    • between (between)
    • findinset (find_in_set(value, field))
    • insetfind (find_in_set(field, value))
    • sql (custom sql)
    • keywords (keywords query)
  • 内置的默认ignore

    • ifHave (如果有值则加为条件)
    • ifNumber (如果是数值则加为条件)