
A library of useful functions related to IP (v4 and v6).

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

IP Address Toolkit Library

This is a tool library that implements IPv4 adn IPv6 address operations, providing functions like IP address conversion, validation, subnet calculation, etc. It can facilitate various IP address processing tasks in network programming.


  • IP address conversion: string to integer and vice versa
  • IP address validation: check address validity
  • Subnet check: determine if address are in the same subnet
  • CIDR parsing: get address range info
  • Subnet mask: generate mask from prefix
  • IP range: represent address range
  • And other functions


# Using npm
$ npm install --save ip-toolkit
# or Using yarn
$ yarn install --save ip-toolkit

IPv4 Usage

const { IP } = require('ip-toolkit')

// Convert IPv4 or IPv6 address string to number 
IP.ip2long("") // 3232235521
IP.ip2long('::ffff:ffff')   // 4294967295n 

// Convert IPv4 or IPv6 number to address string
IP.long2ip(3232235521) // ""
IP.long2ip(4294967295n)   // '::ffff:ffff' 

// Verify if the IPv4 or IPv6 address is valid
IP.isValidIP('') // true
IP.isValidIP('f16c:f7ec::36b8') // true

// Verify if the IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR address is valid
IP.isCIDR('') // true
IP.isCIDR('ff::99:ff/64') // true

// Verify if a set of IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR ranges have conflicts
IP.isConflict(['', ''])  // true
IP.isConflict(['2001:1db8::/32', '2001:1db8::/16'])  // true

//  Verify if the IPv4 or IPv6 address is within the CIDR range
IP.contains('', '')    // true
IP.contains('2001:db8::1/64', '2001:db8::11')    // true

const { IPv4 } = require('ip-toolkit')

// Convert IP address string to number 
IPv4.ip2long("") // 3232235521
IPv4.ip2long("") // false

// Convert IP number to address string
IPv4.long2ip(3232235521) //
IPv4.long2ip(-1) // false

// Verify if the IP address is valid
IPv4.isValidIP('') // true
IPv4.isValidIP('') // true
IPv4.isValidIP('', {strict: true}) // false

// Verify if the CIDR address is valid
IPv4.isCIDR('') // true
IPv4.isCIDR('') // true
IPv4.isCIDR('') // false
IPv4.isCIDR('') // false

// Verify if two IP address are equal
IPv4.isEqual('', 3232235521)  // true
IPv4.isEqual('', '') // true

//  Verify if the IP address is within the CIDR range
IPv4.contains('', '')    // true
IPv4.contains('', '')    // false

// Verify if an IP address is private 
IPv4.isPrivate('') // returns true
IPv4.isPrivate('') // returns false 

// Verify if the subnet mask is valid
IPv4.isValidMask(24) // true
IPv4.isValidMask('') // true 
IPv4.isValidMask('') // false

// Verify if a set of CIDR ranges have conflicts
IPv4.isConflict(['', ''])  // true
IPv4.isConflict(['', ''])  // false
IPv4.isConflict(['', '', ''])  // true
IPv4.isConflict(['', '', ''])  // false

// Convert IPv4 address to binary and hex
// {
//   hex: '0xac100001',
//   decimal: 2886729729,
//   binary: '10101100000100000000000000000001' 
// }

// Converts IPv4 address to IPv6 format
// {
//   mapped: '::ffff:',  
//   comperssed: "::ffff:c0a8:101"
//   expanded: '0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:ffff:c0a8:0101',
// }

// Calculate the inverse mask of a subnet mask
IPv4.toInverseMask(24);  // ''
IPv4.toInverseMask(16);  // ''
IPv4.toInverseMask('');  // ''
IPv4.toInverseMask('');  // ''

// Convert subnet mask string to mask length number
IPv4.toMaskLength('') // 24 
IPv4.toMaskLength('') // false

// Convert mask length to subnet mask string
IPv4.toSubnetMask(0) //
IPv4.toSubnetMask(8) //
IPv4.toSubnetMask(16) //
IPv4.toSubnetMask(24) //

// Verify if two IP address are on the same subnet
IPv4.isSameSubnet('', '', ''); // true
IPv4.isSameSubnet('', '', ''); // true

// Parse IPv4 CIDR address to get address range info
// {
//   ipCount: 256,
//   usableCount: 254,
//   cidrMask: 24,
//   subnetMask: '',
//   firstHost: '',
//   lastHost: '',
//   networkAddress: '',
//   broadcastAddress: ''
// }

// Parse IP address and subnet mask into CIDR info
IPv4.parseSubnet('', '')
// {
//   ipCount: 256,  
//   usableCount: 254,
//   cidrMask: 24, 
//   subnetMask: '',
//   firstHost: '', 
//   lastHost: '',
//   networkAddress: '',
//   broadcastAddress: '' 
// }

// Create ipRange instance from start and end IPv4 integers
const range1 = IPv4.ipRange.fromLong(3232235777, 3232235876);
IPv4.range1.ipCount(); // 100
IPv4.range1.contains(''); // true
IPv4.range1.long2ip() // [ '', '' ]

// Create ipRange instance from start and end IPv4 strings 
const range2 = IPv4.ipRange.fromString('', '');
IPv4.range2.ipCount() // 100
IPv4.range2.contains(''); // true
IPv4.range2.ip2long() // [ 3232235777, 3232235876 ]

IPv6 Usage

const { IPv6 } = require('ip-toolkit')

// Convert IPv6 address string to number 
IPv6.ip2long('::ffff:ffff')   // 4294967295n 

// Convert IPv6 address number to string 
IPv6.ip2long(4294967295n)   // ::ffff:ffff

// Verify if the IPv6 address is valid
IPv6.isValidIP('f16c:f7ec:cfa2:e1c5:9a3c:cb08:801f:36b8') // true

// Verify if the IPv6 CIDR address is valid
IPv6.isCIDR('::9999:ffff/0') // true
IPv6.isCIDR('::9999:ffff/128') // true
IPv6.isCIDR('::9999:ffff/291') // false

// Verify if a set of CIDR ranges have conflicts
IPv6.isConflict(['2001:db8::1/120', '2001:db8::1/122'])  // true
IPv6.isConflict(['2001:db8::11/64', '2001:db8::11/48'])  // true

// Expands an abbreviated IPv6 address string into its full representation.
IPv6.expandedForm('2001:db8::1') // '2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001'

// Compresses an expanded IPv6 address into shortened form.
IPv6.compressedForm('2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001')  // '2001:db8::1' 

// Parse CIDR format address into address range info
// {
//   ipCount: 1024n,  
//   cidrMask: 118, 
//   firstHost: '::9999:fc00', 
//   lastHost: '::9999:ffff',
// }

Raycast Extension

This project has been extended on Raycast !





Issues and pull requests are welcome!

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This project is under the MIT License.