Megvii FILE Library - Working with Files in Python same as the standard library
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Add performance benchmarks
#32 opened by xyb - 1
Environment variables support values with units
#434 opened by LoveEatCandy - 1
performance reduction of tarfile
#401 opened by LoveEatCandy - 1
4.0 上一些可以不向前兼容的功能讨论
#433 opened by bbtfr - 3
s3 读空文件会报错
#424 opened by bbtfr - 2
[feature request] 支持某种 Protocol aliasing
#403 opened by bigeagle - 2
`**/*.{mp4,avi}` not working
#415 opened by bbtfr - 2
megfile 重构优化
#126 opened by LoveEatCandy - 6
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#387 opened by StepInfinite - 1
copy / move 新增 force / skip 参数
#92 opened by bbtfr - 4
handling gzip encoded http responses?
#366 opened by huyng - 1
改进 S3PrefetchReader 随机访问性能
#15 opened by bbtfr - 4
megfile.smart_glob missing s3 profile
#355 opened by NashMiao - 3
Cannot use s3 related functions
#333 opened by trojblue - 1
smart_scandir 返回的 FileEntry 中的判断是否为软连接的函数有误
#327 opened by LoveEatCandy - 0
支持新的 protocol
#110 opened by bbtfr - 1
#115 opened by bbtfr - 1
smart_copy 报错 TypeError: stat() got an unexpected keyword argument 'follow_symlinks'
#243 opened by chen-2569 - 1
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sync, mv, cp, remove 忽略掉过程中被删除的文件
#139 opened by LoveEatCandy - 4
需要设计一下,每个 s3 的方法支持单独指定 endpoint
#155 opened by LoveEatCandy - 3
smart_stat 返回的对象的 st_mode 是 None
#183 opened by DIYer22 - 1
megfile.smart_scandir(".") 返还结果不支持 with 操作
#181 opened by DIYer22 - 3
请求实现官方版本 smart_lstat
#182 opened by DIYer22 - 2
megfile sync 不能同步文件夹
#184 opened by DIYer22 - 2
s3 支持 symlink
#13 opened by bbtfr - 1
smart_save_image 类似 imwrite
#120 opened by LoveEatCandy - 0
cython 重写 reader,writer 基类
#112 opened by LoveEatCandy - 2
Path 类与 pathlib 中的行为对其
#141 opened by LoveEatCandy - 4
#161 opened by Flyooofly - 1
对更多错误进行 retry
#154 opened by LoveEatCandy - 2
ValueError: unacceptable mode: 'w+b'
#130 opened by DIYer22 - 0
smart_getmd5_by_paths 排序 paths,使文件一样 md5 就一样
#148 opened by LoveEatCandy - 0
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#145 opened by qq332982511 - 0
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#131 opened by LoveEatCandy - 2
smart_getmd5 get None
#107 opened by kuronekonano - 1
支持 python 3.10
#116 opened by bbtfr - 2
smart_getmd5 支持文件夹
#111 opened by LoveEatCandy - 2
smart_open 不兼容 open pipe 管道
#100 opened by DIYer22 - 3
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对于无效 soft link, smart_isfile 行为和 os.path.isfile 行为不一致
#101 opened by DIYer22 - 2
http 支持 getsize getmtime
#94 opened by bbtfr - 2
CLI cp 的行为
#89 opened by bbtfr - 2
patch botocore _make_api_call
#44 opened by bbtfr - 7
#26 opened by ae86208 - 0
提升 s3_glob 的性能
#8 opened by bbtfr - 1
Release wheel packages including ``
#33 opened by xyb