
Simple Pipeline Demo This repository contains a simple Flask application and a Jenkins pipeline for building, testing, and deploying the application using Docker Compose.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Pipeline Demo

This repository contains a simple Flask application and a Jenkins pipeline for building, testing, and deploying the application using Docker Compose. Simple Pipeline Demo

Jenkins Pipeline

The Jenkins pipeline is defined in the Jenkinsfile and consists of three stages: Build, Test, and Deploy. The pipeline can be triggered automatically when changes are pushed to the GitHub repository, or manually through the Jenkins web interface.

The Build stage builds a Docker image for the Flask application using the Dockerfile and docker-compose.

The Test stage runs automated tests using the pytest testing framework inside the app container.

The Deploy stage starts the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file, which runs the Flask application and makes it accessible at http://localhost:8080.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Docker
  3. Run app and Jenkins via this command docker-compose up --build
  4. Create a new Jenkins pipeline and configure the source code repository and trigger options
  5. Run the pipeline and verify that the Flask application is deployed successfully

Note: This is a simple example and may not cover all the requirements of a real-world production pipeline. You may need to modify or extend this pipeline to fit the specific needs of your application.