- 2
Inventory: Updates on setTier
#959 opened by ScriptumGroup - 0
[WIKI] Ubuntu 24.04 compilation instruction
#982 opened by gesior - 0
Sorry for the Issue, it's not about the repo
#980 opened by MillhioreBT - 2
(Pedido ) NPC Custom
#954 opened by andreoam - 1
[TFS] Monster icons issue
#971 opened by ArturKnopik - 6
[TFS] Npc breaks map drawing
#974 opened by ArturKnopik - 1
Cant build
#975 opened by Burdaas - 2
- 5
Bug with monsters appearance
#914 opened by TheLionEscanor - 0
Sprites bugging when adding monsters.
#968 opened by Mattz0n - 2
Unexpected player movement during speed changes.
#963 opened by nexsen - 0
Erros de logs causa do fechamento do cliente.
#964 opened by andreoam - 1
- 0
Turn off secure mode
#960 opened by Zell1993 - 1
canary 13.40 console error parseSetOutfit
#955 opened by daniofordon - 5
Cyclopedia + Skill Window
#952 opened by vasconcellosdevictor - 11
- 6
Sell All não funciona.
#947 opened by JulianOwnz - 0
Vbot reseta as configs
#944 opened by JulianOwnz - 0
Vbot reseta as configs
#943 opened by JulianOwnz - 4
npc trade
#939 opened by bateunatrave - 1
character stuck
#934 opened by bateunatrave - 0
#903 opened by bateunatrave - 2
Error to used update client
#904 opened by T3llorista - 3
Error linking otclient: shared system protobuf library misses absl::log_internal_check_op
#936 opened by jopadan - 0
- 0
- 0
Aumentar tamanho dos monstros
#928 opened by Lothlynn - 1
MapView is shaking when walking
#918 opened by nekiro - 2
Unable to compile using wiki on windows vcpkg
#893 opened by themaoci - 8
#911 opened by bateunatrave - 1
CTLR + BACKSPACE onKeyPress problem
#869 opened by leonves - 0
UITextEdit doesn't support colors
#916 opened by nekiro - 2
vBot 4.8 freezing
#913 opened by bateunatrave - 10
crash after encryption
#901 opened by Wirless - 2
vBot 4.8 error using tier items momentum
#905 opened by TheLionEscanor - 8
Attack square dissapears
#898 opened by maddogtannen231 - 0
Manage containers
#906 opened by bateunatrave - 0
- 11
buy button gamestore inactive even though you have enough coins in your account
#873 opened by dgprado-80 - 5
[BOT] Macro
#891 opened by bateunatrave - 3
bug: possible memory leak when multiple UIcreature, UIitem are displayed in UIScrollArea ?
#889 opened by kokekanon - 2
Some bugs related to apparences.dat
#875 opened by dgprado-80 - 2
Market bad performance
#864 opened by MUN1Z - 6
Bug when logging in GM/Player character ghost mode - TFS 1.5 7.72... Wing, aura.....
#879 opened by regizfilho - 4
7.6 Fire-field animations run way too fast
#878 opened by divinity76 - 2
Bot scripts encryption
#867 opened by Bob13372 - 1
- 2
Shop and coins dont work
#854 opened by DigoAlves1480 - 0
Crash HTTP.downloadImage ?
#857 opened by kojimhojo