
This repository contains all web engineering labs and practice codes written in java

Primary LanguageJava


Github :: meharehsaan


  • Java Documentation
    • Source code to check builtin functions written by java
  • Java Practice
    • Contains some additional programs I practiced.
  • Lab01 => cmdline arguments
  • Lab02 => Polymorphism
  • Lab03 => Array and Exception
  • Lab04 => File and Exception Handling
  • Lab05 => JDBC
  • Lab06 => HTML
  • Lab07 => JavaScript
  • Lab08 => Survlet and CRUD
  • Lab09 => Survlet and JDBC
  • Lab10 => Survlet State Managment

Environment Setup

On my Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) having kernal 6.2 I have following configurations of java environment.

export PATH="$PATH:/home/mehar/.local/bin"

export CATALINA_HOME="/home/mehar/webtomcat/apache-tomcat-10.1.10"

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk-amd64"

export CLASSPATH="$CLASSPATH:/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-j-8.0.33.jar:/home/mehar/webtomcat/apache-tomcat-10.1.10/lib/servlet-api.jar:/home/mehar/webtomcat/apache-tomcat-10.1.10/lib/jsp-api.jar:."

Java codes

This repo contains all Java codes of

  • Java GUI
  • Basic OOP concepts
  • Polymorphism
  • Streams
  • Serialization
  • ArrayList
  • Threads
  • Sockets
  • Exception Handling
  • Database Connectivity
  • HttpSurvlet
  • Survlet CRUD application
  • Signuplogin-website
    • sessions
    • cookies
    • JSP

#-----------------------------------Lab01-------------------------@cmd arugments

Write a program that takes input using command line arguments and calculates the area of a geometric shape based on the input. The program should display the calculated area using the GUI component.


Implement the TwoDimensionalShape hierarchy Each TwoDimensionalShape should contain method getArea to calculate the area of the two-dimensional shape. Write a Driver class that uses an array of TwoDimensionalShape references to objects of each concrete class in the hierarchy. The program should print a text description of the object to which each array element refers. Also, in the loop that processes all the shapes in the array, determine whether each shape is a Circle, Square or Triangle. Make a call to area, polymarphically.

#-----------------------------------Lab03-------------------------@Arraylist and Exception Handling

You are required to write a program for banking applications to store customer records. The program should have the following classes: Write a Customer class with the following attributes:

  • name - a string representing the name of the customer.
  • id - a string representing the ID of the customer.
  • age - an integer value indicating the age of the customer.
  • balance - a double value indicating the amount saved by the customer. Provide a parameterized constructor function to initialize the instance variables.

#-----------------------------------Lab04-------------------------@File and Exception Handling

Create a small application to save the records of employees in an organization. Create a class Employee with attributes int id, string name, static double salary, string rank and implement the following functions

  • to read/load data from csv file.
  • create objects and add it to a collection.
  • to add a new object into collection.
  • to write all the objects from collection to a txt file.
  • to remove an object from collection based on id.


You need to build an address book that shall be capable of storing user name, address, city and phone number of a person. The feature list includes

  • Mysql connector 8.0.33 is used
  • Add – to add a new person record
  • Delete – to delete an existing person record by name
  • Search – to search a person record by name
  • Exit – to exit from application


Create the following sample signup and login forms in HTML.


Apply JavaScript to validate the user input in the following way.

  • All the fields are necessary and must be filled.
  • Email shall be in the proper format (e.g., X @ Y . Z).
  • Phone, Fax, and Zip code shall be numeric only.

#-----------------------------------Lab08-------------------------@Survlet and CRUD

Create a Servlet application that allows a user to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on a collection of books. The application should use the GET method for reading, and the POST method for creating, updating and deleting books.

  • Mysql connector 8.0.33 is used
  • Tomcat Server 10.1.10 is used
  • I have also added database in this lab

#-----------------------------------Lab09-------------------------@Survlet and JDBC

Remove Arraylist in personInfo class to make code work properly according to input output because of ArrayList same record show multiple entries. Add your MySQL connector jar file in lib folder and compile the code. Remove cj from cm.mysql.cj.jdbc.driver because it is used in linux if you are not using linux. Add your MySQL server password in the connection function

You can make a Pull Request if you remove ArrayList from code and code is working properly with perfect output.

#-----------------------------------Lab10-------------------------@Survlet State managment

Design a small web application that support the login of two different type of users i.e., teacher and student.

  • Courses and their registration must be saved manually in course and courseAssignment tables.

  • You are allowed to make any necessary amendments in the columns of table (e.g., adding any auto-incremental key as primary key) however, the name of the table must be the same.

  • You need to implement the relationship of primary key and foreign key in database.

  • Any type of users cannot proceed without logging-in and each user is only capable to view his/her own dashboard. (Hint: use session handling). Save the email and user_type in session after successful logged-in, and perform the check on their respective dashboards.

  • HTML forms should be validated using JavaScript/place-holders.

  • All users should be able to logout and after that they should not be able to view their homepage.

  • Go to lab10 Source Code