
A demo Laravel 8 + Docker Compose application

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Landing Laravel - A Demo Laravel Application

This application was initially developed in the following tutorial series: How To Build a Links Landing Application in PHP with Laravel and Docker Compose.

A second series called A Practical Introduction to Laravel Eloquent ORM further develops this demo application to include new models and relationships.

Releases and Tutorials

The application uses GitHub releases to support a progressive learning strategy, with multiple versions based on each part of the series. Here’s an overview of all available releases:

Laravel Introduction Series

Eloquent Series


This application creates a links landing page where you can share relevant links to an audience. Links are initially imported from a links.yml file in the root of the application, and can be managed via Artisan commands (in the console / command-line).

Deploy to DO button

Landing Laravel - application screenshot

Managing Links

Links are initially imported from a links.yml file at the root of the repository. The seeds are only imported when the database is empty, so to not duplicate your links.

Link management is done via Artisan commands:

php artisan link:list
php artisan link:create
php artisan link:delete [LINK_ID]

Deploying via DO Deploy Button

If you want to try DigitalOcean's App Platform with this application, you may want to use the Deploy to DigitalOcean button at the top of this README. This will give you less customization options, but you can still manage your links via the console, on the App Platform dashboard.

Development Workflow with Docker Compose

The application includes a Docker Compose setup that you can use for development. Please follow the linked tutorial series for more information about how to set up Docker and Docker Compose.

It's recommended that you fork this repository to your own Github account. Then, clone your forked repository so that you can make changes to the application.

To bring the environment up:

docker-compose up -d

Running Composer:

docker-compose exec app composer install

Setting up App Key:

docker-compose exec app artisan key:generate

Running Migrations and Seeds:

docker-compose exec app artisan migrate --seed

Then you should be able to access the application on localhost:8080.

Change the links.yml file to change the links that get seeded into the database by default, when the application is deployed.

To manage links, use artisan:

docker-compose exec app artisan link:list

This will list all links in the database. To add a new link, use link:create, and link:delete LINK_ID to delete links.

Deploying to App Platform via doctl

To deploy your customized version of this application to DigitalOcean's App Platform, you can use doctl with the included App Spec file. First, edit the .do/deploy.template.yml file to change the github.repo entries to your own forked repository URL. You may also want to change the name of the application. Then, run doctl:

doctl apps create --spec .do/deploy.template.yaml

Then go to your App Platform dashboard to follow the build logs.

You can find more details on how to use doctl and the App Spec file in this post.