The modern digital world is becoming more andmore multimodal.
Looking on the internet, images are often associated with the text, so classification problems with thesetwo modalities are very common.
In this paper [1], we examine multimodal classification using textual information and visual representations of the same concept.
We investigate two main basic methods to perform multimodal fusion and adapt them with stacking techniques to better handle this type of problem.
Here, we use UPMC Food-101, which is a difficult and noisy multimodal dataset that well represents this category of multimodal problems.
Our results show that the proposed early fusion technique combined with a stacking-based approach exceeds the state ofthe art on the dataset used.
Use Jupyter notebook. The source code can be used to replicate all the experiments contained in the paper [1].
The trained model can be downloaded:
The pre-processed dataset can be downloaded at this link.
The used dataset is UPMC Food-101 a very difficult dataset. In the following image, four images taken from the sashimi class of UPMCFood-101. In (a) a real image of sashimi; the image in (b) contains more dishes so it’s hard to understand if it’s sashimi; In the sub-figure (c) an example of the sashimi class containinga random image; while in (c) we have a wrong examplecontaining the image of another class of the same dataset.
Method | Accuracy(%) |
Image (InceptionV3) | 71.67 |
Text (Bert) | 84.41 |
Late fusion | 84.59 |
Proposed Early fusion (our solution) | 92.50 |
author ={Ignazio Gallo, Gianmarco Ria, Nicola Landro and Riccardo La Grassa},
booktitle={International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ 2020)},
title ={Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs},
year ={2020},
month ={Nov},
pages ={1-6},
doi ={10.1109/IVCNZ51579.2020.9290622},
ISSN ={2151-2205},
[1] The paper: Image and Text fusion for UPMC Food-101 using BERT and CNNs (IVCNZ 2020)