
This repository introduced RezoJDM15K a French Knowledge Graph Dataset and is no longer maintained. Find the new dataset RezoJDM16K at: https://github.com/ContentSide/French_Knowledge_Graph

License: MIT

JeuxDeMots Knowledge Graph Dataset:

This repository introduced RezoJDM15K a French Knowledge Graph Dataset and is no longer maintained. Find the new dataset RezoJDM16K at: https://github.com/ContentSide/French_Knowledge_Graph

The implementation is outdated and is archived at: https://github.com/ContentSide/French_Knowledge_Graph/tree/master/resources/old_implementation

Citing the project

Please cite:

  title={Prediction of Missing Semantic Relations in Lexical-Semantic Network using Random Forest Classifier},
  author={Cousot, K{\'e}vin and Mirzapour, Mehdi and Ragheb, Waleed},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.04759},


Please email your questions or comments to Mehdi Mirzapour.