
Rootstrap Android Base project

Primary LanguageKotlin

Maintainability License

Android Base

Android Base is a boilerplate project created by Rootstrap for new projects using Kotlin 1.3.61. The main objective is helping any new projects jump start into feature development by providing a handful of functionalities.


  • Android SDK
  • Android Studio
  • Firebase google-services.json file.
  • Change your release key information on the build.gradle:
signingConfigs {
    releaseConfig {
        keyAlias setAlias
        keyPassword setPassword
        storeFile file(setStoreFile)
        storePassword setStorePassword
  • Build the project with Android Studio.


  1. Clone

  2. Build with Android Studio

To manage user and session after sign in/up we store that information in Preferences. The parameters that we save are due to the usage of Device Token Auth for authentication on the server side.

Please Check


to handle the server side authentication, in case you need to modify them:


  • You can use this open source project as a template of your new Android projects.

Key File encryption

Build signing requires a developer-owned keystore. Location and credentials for it are specified in gradle.properties. Likewise submission to Google Play requires a Developer API key in .json format (google-api.json). It is recommended that these files remains outside the source repo

We suggest using git secret as a simple and secure solution for keeping these sensitive files in the repo. See Config for detailed instructions.

Build and Release with Fastlane

We provide configuration files for automating build, test and submission of the application using Fastlane


  • Ensure JDK 1.8 is installed
  • Ensure proper version of Android SDK command line tools is installed
  • Install fastlane using
[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV

or alternatively using brew cask install fastlane


Lanes for each deployment target example are provided with some basic behavior:

  • Each target has two options: debug_x and deploy_x.
  • Each option will:
    • Increment the build number.
    • Run gradlew clean
    • Run gradlew androidDependencies
    • Build the app (gradle assemble) for the target flavor.
  • The deploy lanes will additionaly submit the APK to the corresponding track in the Play Store.

Check fastlane/Appfile and fastlane/Fastfile for more information.

Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions

We provide an example workflow cicd.yml including two jobs for running under GitHub Actions, which can be modified according to the specifics of each project:

  • ci
    • runs upon every push and PR
    • installs Fastlane and runs debug_dev lane
  • release
    • runs upon every push to develop or master
    • downloads keystore and Google api key from S3 (credentials need to be present in repo Secrets)
    • installs Fastlane and runs deploy_* lane depending on branch (Dev if in develop, Stsaging if in master) - This could be easily modified to release Prod instead


  • Add analytics manager:
    1. Firebase
    2. MixPanel[Optional]

How use: In the Application class -> onCreate


or an array of providers Analytics.addProviders(arrayOfProviders)

then use: Analytics.track(PageEvents.visit(VISIT_MAIN)) or for events Analytics.track(UserEvents.login()) in order to track the login event.

  • For firebase replace the file: google-services.json with the once for your App and follow the Firebase instructions.
  • For MixPanel, you have to replace the API key: <string name="mixpanel_api_key">mixpanel_api_key</string>

Code Quality Standards

In order to meet the required code quality standards, this project uses Ktlint and Detekt


Bug reports (please use Issues) and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at android-base. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The library is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

NOTE: Remove the free LICENSE file for private projects or replace it with the corresponding license.


Android Base is maintained by Rootstrap with the help of our contributors.