
Generate the sfdx content in source format from two git commits

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Generate the sfdx content in source format and destructive change from two git commits

What is SFDX-Git-Delta?

SFDX-Git-Delta (*a.k.a. SGD*) helps Salesforce Architects and Developers accomplish 2 things with their source deployments:

  1. Make deployments faster, by identifying the metadata that has been changed since a reference commit.
  2. Automate destructive deployments, by listing the deleted (or renamed) metadata in a destructiveChanges.xml

To get a better understanding of what SGD is for, take a look at this post on the Salesforce Developers Blog: Optimizing Unpackaged Deployments Using a Delta Generation Tool.


Is SGD for you?

If you are not a Salesforce Architect or Developer, probably not, sorry.

If you are a Technical Architect or Developer, then it’s a very useful tool for you, when the 3 conditions below are met:

    Your Salesforce project uses a git repo as the source of truth.
    You use the Source (DX) format in the repo.
    Your metadata is not packaged (in other words, your repo contains all the unmanaged metadata of the project).

SGD is designed to be part of a CI/CD pipeline (Jenkins, Bitbucket Pipelines, GitLab CI, GitHub Actions, Azure DevOps...) that handles the deployment of the sources to the Salesforce org(s).

Pro tips: If you are in the process of building your CI/CD pipeline, make sure you already have a fully functionnal pipeline before implementing delta deployments (otherwise it will just make it harder to debug your pipeline). It's also important to implement a bypass in your pipeline, to have to hability to fallback to full deployment in case the delta deployement is not behaving the way you expected it.


⚠️ SFDX-Git-Delta is NOT an officially supported tool ⚠️

👷 Use it at your own risk, wear a helmet, and test it first before adding it to your pipeline 🔥

How to install it?

Option #1 (recommended) - Install as a Salesforce CLI plugin (sgd:source:delta):

You can use SGD as a Salesforce CLI plugin (sfdx sgd:source:delta), and this is now the recommended approach to get SGD:

sfdx plugins:install sfdx-git-delta

Because this plugin is not signed, you will get a warning saying that "This plugin is not digitally signed and its authenticity cannot be verified". This is expected, and you will have to answer y (yes) to proceed with the installation.

If you run your CI/CD jobs inside a Docker image, you can add the plugin to your image. Here is an example of a Dockerfile including the SGD plugin: https://github.com/mehdisfdc/sfdx-cli-gitlab

To view the full list and description of the sgd options, run sfdx sgd:source:delta --help

-t, --to [sha] commit sha to where the diff is done [HEAD] (default: "HEAD")
-f, --from [sha] commit sha from where the diff is done [git rev-list —max-parents=0 HEAD]
-o, --output [dir] source package specific output [./output] (default: "./output")
-a, --api-version [version] salesforce API version [50] (default: "50")
-i, --ignore specify the ignore file (default: ".forceignore")
-r, --repo [dir] git repository location [.] (default: ".")
-d, --generate-delta generate delta files in [./output] folder
-h, --help output usage information

Option #2 (legacy) - Install as the sgd command

Before the Salesforce CLI plugin was available, the old way to use this tool was through the sgd command (as described in the old README). It is now recommended to use sfdx sgd:source:delta, but if you feel nostalgic about the sgd command, you can still get it through yarn (or npm): yarn sfdx-git-delta@latest -g


Works in Unix like system. Windows is not tested.

Git command line is required on the system where the command line is running.

Node v14.6.0 or above is required. To make sure that the Salesforce CLI is using the expected node version for SGD, run sfdx --version before attempting to install the SGD plugin: if you see a node version below v14.6.0 in the output, you'll need to fix it first. If you encounter this issue while having installed the correct version of node on your system, try to install the Salesforce CLI via npm (npm install sfdx-cli --global) rather than with another installer.

How to use it?


sfdx sgd:source:delta --to HEAD --from HEAD^ --output .
echo "--- package.xml generated with added and modified metadata ---"
cat package/package.xml
echo "---- Deploying added and modified metadata ----"
sfdx force:source:deploy -x package/package.xml
echo "--- destructiveChanges.xml generated with deleted metadata ---"
cat destructiveChanges/destructiveChanges.xml
echo "--- Deleting removed metadata ---"
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d destructiveChanges --ignorewarnings


Let’s take a look at the following scenario:

The CI pipelines deploys the sources to Production anytime there is a new commit in the master branch.

In our example, the latest commit to master is composed of:

  • Apex Class added: TriggerHandler
  • Apex Class added: TriggerHandler_Test
  • Apex Class modified: TestDataFactory
  • Apex Class deleted: AnotherTriggerFramework


In this situation, we would expect the CI pipeline to:

  1. Deploy to Production only 3 classes (no matter how much metadata is present in the force-app folder): TriggerHandler, TriggerHandler_Test, and TestDataFactory
  2. Delete from Production 1 classe: AnotherTriggerFramework

So let’s do it!

Run the sgd command:

From the project repo folder, the CI pipeline will run the following command:

sfdx sgd:source:delta --to HEAD --from HEAD^ --output .

which means:

Analyze the difference between HEAD (latest commit) and HEAD^ (previous commit), and output the result in the current folder.

The sfdx sgd:source:delta command produces 2 usefull artifacts:

1) A package.xml file, inside a package folder. This package.xml file contains only the metadata that has been added and changed, and that needs to be deployed in the target org.

Content of the package.xml file in our scenario: package

2) A destructiveChanges.xml file, inside a destructiveChanges folder. This destructiveChanges.xml file contains only the metadata that has been removed or renamed, and that needs to be deleted from the target org. Note: the destructiveChanges folder also contains a minimal package.xml file because deploying destructive changes requires a package.xml (even an empty one) in the payload.

Content of the destructiveChanges.xml file in our scenario: destructiveChange

In addition, we also could have generated a copy of the force-app folder with only the added and changed metadata, by using the --generate-delta (-d) option (more on that later).

Deploy only the added/modified metadata:

The CI pipeline can use the package/package.xml file to deploy only this subset of metadata:

echo "--- package.xml generated with added and modified metadata ---"
cat package/package.xml
echo "---- Deploying added and modified metadata ----"
sfdx force:source:deploy -x package/package.xml

Delete the removed metadata:

The CI pipeline can use the destructiveChanges folder to deploy the corresponding destructive change:

echo "--- destructiveChanges.xml generated with deleted metadata ---"
cat destructiveChanges/destructiveChanges.xml
echo "--- Deleting removed metadata ---"
sfdx force:mdapi:deploy -d destructiveChanges --ignorewarnings

And voilà! 🥳

Advanced use-case: Generating a folder containing only the added/modified sources

Using a package.xml file to deploy a subset of the metadata is propably the simpliest approach to delta deployments. But there are some situations where you may want to have the actual source files related to all the components that have been changed recently.

One example is to speed up object deployments: the package.xml approach will result on the entire sub-folder for a given object to be deployed. On the opposite, having a copy of the actual sources added/modified allows you to chirchugically deploy only the modified components.

This is where the --generate-delta (-d) option comes handy!

Let's use this option with our previous example:

mkdir changed-sources
sfdx sgd:source:delta --to HEAD --from HEAD^ --output changed-sources/ --generate-delta

In addition to the package and destructiveChanges folders, the sfdx sgd:source:delta command will also produce a copy of the added/changed files in the ouput folder.

Content of the output folder when using the --generate-delta option, with the same scenario as above: delta-source

Javascript Module

var sgd = require('sfdx-git-delta')

const work = sgd({
  to: '', // commit sha to where the diff is done. Default : HEAD
  from: '', // commit sha from where the diff is done. Default : git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD
  output: '', // source package specific output. Default : ./output
  apiVersion: '', // salesforce API version. Default : 46
  repo: '', // git repository location. Default : ./repo

/* {
 *   config: config,
 *   diffs: { package: {...}, destructiveChanges: {...} },
 *   warnings: []
 * }

Built With dependencies Status devDependencies Status

  • commander - The complete solution for node.js command-line interfaces, inspired by Ruby's commander.
  • fast-xml-parser - Validate XML, Parse XML to JS/JSON and vise versa, or parse XML to Nimn rapidly without C/C++ based libraries and no callback
  • fs-extra - Node.js: extra methods for the fs object like copy(), remove(), mkdirs().
  • ignore - is a manager, filter and parser which implemented in pure JavaScript according to the .gitignore spec 2.22.1.
  • xmlbuilder - An XML builder for node.js similar to java-xmlbuilder.


SemVer is used for versioning.

Authors Join the chat at https://gitter.im/scolladon/sfdx-git-delta


Contributions are what make the trailblazer community such an amazing place. I regard this component as a way to inspire and learn from others. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

See contributing.md for sgd contribution principles.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details