List of CIs based on publications

Continuous Integration and Its Tools

An abundance of tools are available, from self-hosted systems such as Jenkins, TeamCity, and Bamboo to hosted products like CloudBees and Travis CI.

Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment: A Systematic Review on Approaches, Tools, Challenges and Practices

It should be noted that some CI servers (e.g., Jenkins, Bamboo and Hudson) are also able to deploy software to staging or production environment. Bamboo and CruiseControl maintained the subsequent positions. used TeamCity as CI server in the pipeline and other CI servers have been reported in one paper each.

Continuous Integration and Automation

LISTED FEATURES for Jenkins, Teamcity, Bamboo, Buddy, GitLab CI, CircleCI, Travis

The impact of continuous integration on other software development practices: A large-scale empirical study

As a practice, CI is seeing broad adoption with the increasing popularity of the GITHUB pull-based development model [9] and the plethora of open-source, GITHUB-compatible, cloud-based CI tools, such as TRAVIS CI, CLOUDBEES, and CIRCLECI.

Trade-offs in continuous integration: assurance, security, and flexibility

They all used CI, and a variety of CI systems, including Concourse, Jenkins, TravisCI, CruiseControl.NET, CircleCI, TeamCity, XCode Bots, Buildbot, Wercker, appVeyor, and proprietary CI systems.

Quality and productivity outcomes relating to continuous integration in GitHub

Only Travis

Uncovering the Benefits and Challenges of Continuous Integration Practices

Recently published(2021) about CI. Jenkins travis ...

Use and Misuse of Continuous Integration Features: An Empirical Study of Projects That (Mis)Use Travis CI

Dedicated CI tools such as BAMBOO,3 JENKINS,4 and TEAMCITY5 emerged to provide basic CI functionality; however, these CI tools still require that infrastructure is internally operated and maintained

Quality Maintenance and Monitoring using Azure CI pipeline and .Net Technologies

Azure CI/CD

From articles

Buddy Possible both through GUI and buddy.yml file read more

GitLab CI Through .gitlab-ci.yml read more

CircleCI Through .circleci/config.yml read more

Travis Through .travis.yml file read more

Jenkins (Woloxci) config.yml file (or any other name.yml file which is configurable in jenkins) read more For pipeline as code we can look for Jenkinsfile file in the repository read more

Bamboo (Belongs to attlassian bitbucket) is possible through a plugin and ant builder or api read more

Hudson Outdated

CruiseControl Through config.xml in the root directory read more

TeamCity Through webhook and Github Permissions read more

CLOUDBEES For codeship pro using codeship-steps.yml or json read more

Concourse Through webhook with possiblity to add yaml file to configure jobs read more

XCode Bots Standalone servers and apple servers configure via schemes read more

Buildbot Standalone server, Webhook for github, configuration via master.cfg read more

Wercker (Oracle tech) Werker.yml file read more

AWS amplify (Amazon) amplify.yml file read more

appVeyor Both UI and appveyor.yml file but mutually exclusive read more

Azure CI (Microsoft tech) pipeline configuration is azure-pipelines.yml read more

From Websites

BiGEval Requires license,

GoCD Through Yaml, JSON, Groovy file, UI, API read more

CODESHIP -> Belongs to Cloodbees

Integrity Using webhook and env variable, c

Strider Standalone server, via webhooks, configuration can be done in the several different ways read more

Autorabit Via UI read more

Final builder Works based on a list of actions, possible to add scripts in an INI file read more

Buildkite Pipeline steps are defined in YAML and are either stored in Buildkite or in your repository using a pipeline.yml file read more

Semaphore .semaphore/semaphore.yml read more

Bitrise bitrise.yml file in the root directory read more

Urbancode (IBM tech) Integrated devops toolchain for continuous integration/continuous delivery with Jenkins. Uses some yaml files can be anywhere in the repo read more