
Telegram-LinkedIn based bot to download media from LinkedIn and receive them within Telegram

Primary LanguagePython

Let's Download !

Linkedin Downloader Bot

Telegram-LinkedIn based bot to download media from LinkedIn and receive them within Telegram

Code style: black

# Install With Docker


# Manual Install

You need mysql installed and running on your machine.

- Create a python virtual environment ( venv ) and activate it

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

- Install requirements

pip install -r requirement.txt

- Create a copy of settings.py.sample

cp settings.py.sample settings.py

- Edit settings.py and fill up the required information ( you can find the help table of settings.py below )

- Run the app

python main.py

# Help table of settings.py

Key Description
USER MySQL database username
PASS MySQL database password
HOST MySQL database host
USER LinkedIn account username
PASS LinkedIn account password
# TELEGRAM ( How to get a Telegram API_ID and API_HASH? )
API_ID Telegram api id
API_HASH Telegram api id
TOKEN Telegram bot token

# Add A New Language

To add a new language to bot, edit texts.py and add your new language texts using its ISO formatted name like "en" or "fa".

Then edit keyboards.py and add new language buttons in SET_LANG and SET_LANG_CONVERSATION buttons. also don't forget to edit their data ( set_lang::en, set_lang_conv::en ) and replace en with your language ISO.