
This Terraform folder is dedicated to create and configure the Vault server. For this purpose, we will create a Vault cluster in the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) and use the Terraform Cloud to configure it.

This folder will only manage the configuration of the Vault and not the GitLab-CI OR the AWS project. Refer to the project project-gitlab-terraform-vault for that.


This repository is design to:

  1. Create and configure a HCP Vault and AWS IAM resources like roles. Those actions are located in the & files.
  2. Create a GitLab repository (used to deploy the app) and set a Terraform Cloud Workspace to this repository
  3. Configure the permissions to the GitLab-CI repository to have access to secrets stored in Vault like:
  4. Retrieve a AWS secret: to deploy the AWS infrastructure of the application.
  5. Retrieve a Terraform Cloud token: to execute a local execution of a Terraform Cloud Workspace. This token has generate based on a Terraform Team who has access to the Terraform Cloud Workspace.
  6. Store a Database Dynamic secrets: when the infrastructure has been deploy, GitLab-CI will store the database secret to Vault as a dynamic secret.
  7. The GitLab-CI is allowed to authenticate to the Vault based on the GitLab repository ID and allow the branch main. Also, the repository GitLab is feed with some environment variables used by the GitLab-CI (e.g. Vault backend names, Vault role name to used, Vault address, etc )

You will find below an overview of this workflow: workflow creation


Before to start

You need to create:

  1. A GitLab repository and push this repository
  2. In Terraform Cloud, create a VCS Providers where your GitLab repository is hosted.
  3. Create a Terraform Cloud Workspace with a Execution Mode to Remote and connected to your previous Gitlab Repository.
  4. Update the file in the remote section with your organization name and the workspace name create before.
  5. Configure the variables bellow.

Terraform Workspaces variables

Some token needed as a env of the project:

  • GITLAB_TOKEN: You need to create a GitLab Personal Access Token (PAT) and feed with this value as a Terrform variable & sensitive value.
  • TFE_TOKEN: Create a User API Token and feed with this value as a Terrform variable & sensitive value.
  • vcs_id: In the VCS Providers settings, get the Oauth Token Id and set it as a Terrform variable.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Create an IAM user with a IAM full permission. Then, create an Access & Secret key and feed with this value as a env variable & sensitive value.
  • HCP_CLIENT_ID & HCP_CLIENT_SECRET: Create a Service Principal with the Contributor role in HashiCorp Cloud Platform and create a key for your Service Principal. Feed with this value as a env variable & sensitive value.
  • tfc_org_name : The name of the Terraform Cloud Organization. Feed with this value as a Terrform variable.

Provide terraform.tfvars file

You should provide some required value for your Terraform. Keep it mind, the .gitignore will not push your terraform.tfvars file if you use it to setup your variables.

Refer to the section Input below to check which variables to setup.

What this Terraform do ?

It will create:

  • An HCP Vault
  • Gitlab Repository
  • AWS IAM resources
  • Terraform Cloud Workspace
  • A Terraform Cloud Team token allowed to write in the Terraform Cloud Workspace created
  • Configure the JWT auth backend for GitLab-CI pipeline and AWS auth backend for the application
  • Configure the AWS and Terraform Cloud secret backend for GitLab-CI pipeline
  • Configure the Database secret backend for the application


Name Version
aws ~>5.70.0
gitlab ~>17.4.0
hcp ~>0.96.0
tfe ~>0.59.0
vault ~>4.4.0


Name Version
aws ~>5.70.0
gitlab ~>17.4.0
hcp ~>0.96.0
tfe ~>0.59.0
vault ~>4.4.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_iam_access_key.aws_engine resource
aws_iam_role.application resource
aws_iam_role.auth_engine resource
aws_iam_role_policy.auth_engine resource
aws_iam_user.vault resource
aws_iam_user_policy.assume_role_policy resource
gitlab_project.project resource
gitlab_project_variable.gitlab_token_aud resource
gitlab_project_variable.project_name resource
gitlab_project_variable.terraform_vault_namespace resource
gitlab_project_variable.tfc_org_name resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_addr resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_addr_env resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_app_auth_aws_path resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_app_secret_db_path resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_namespace resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_pipeline_path resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_secret_aws_path resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_secret_aws_role resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_secret_db_path resource
gitlab_project_variable.vault_secret_terraform_path resource
hcp_hvn.vault resource
hcp_vault_cluster.main resource
hcp_vault_cluster_admin_token.this resource
tfe_team.pipeline resource
tfe_team_access.pipeline resource
tfe_team_token.pipeline resource
tfe_workspace.project resource
tfe_workspace_settings.project resource resource
vault_aws_auth_backend_client.user_iam resource
vault_aws_auth_backend_sts_role.role resource resource
vault_aws_secret_backend_role.pipeline resource
vault_jwt_auth_backend.gitlab resource
vault_jwt_auth_backend_role.pipeline resource
vault_mount.db resource
vault_policy.pipeline resource
vault_policy.project resource
vault_terraform_cloud_secret_backend.pipeline resource
vault_terraform_cloud_secret_role.pipeline resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_policy data source
aws_iam_policy_document.hcp_vault_assume_role_policy data source
tfe_organization.current data source
vault_policy_document.pipeline_aws_read data source
vault_policy_document.project data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_secret_default_ttl The default lease ttl for AWS secret engine (default: 10min) number 600 no
aws_secret_max_ttl The max lease ttl for AWS secret engine (default: 15min) number 900 no
gitlab_domain The domain name of your gitlab (e.g: string "" no
gitlab_project_branch The pipeline project branch to authorize to auth with Vault string "main" no
hcp_vault_cidr The CIDR used in the HCP for the HashiCorp Virtual Network (HVN) string "" no
hcp_vault_tier_level The HCP Vault tier level to use string "dev" no
is_hcp_vault_public If this value is true, Vault endpoint will be public. bool true no
jwt_auth_tune_default_ttl The tune default lease ttl for JWT auth backend (default: 10min) string "10m" no
jwt_auth_tune_max_ttl The tune max lease ttl for JWT auth backend (default: 15min) string "15m" no
jwt_token_max_ttl The token max ttl for JWT auth backend (default: 15min) number 900 no
project_name Project name (ex: web) string "web" no
region AWS regions string "eu-west-1" no
tfc_org_name The name of the Terraform Cloud Organization where workspace are any n/a yes
vcs_id value any n/a yes


Name Description
pipeline_auth_path The path of the Vault JWT auth backend for pipeline
pipeline_auth_role The role name of the Vault JWT auth backend for pipeline
pipeline_path_secret The path of the AWS secret engine for pipeline
pipeline_role_secret The role name of the AWS secret engine for pipeline
project_gitlab_path The Gitlab path project
project_path_secret The path of the Database secret engine for project
project_policy_name The policy project name who give acces for project secrets
project_terraform_secret_path Terraform Cloud secret path
project_terraform_workspace The Terraform workspace name in Terraform Cloud