mehdisbys's Following
- adonovanGoogle
- andersaoFortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
- bradfitzTailscale
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- davidsantiago
- eriksvedangSweden
- fadeev@zeta-chain
- garybernhardtDestroy All Software LLC
- gregoryyoung
- hmarr@github
- ibdknox
- ihorVP of Engineering at MAKE
- ilgoozDirector of DevX @tendermint
- ivanovpetrSaint-Petersburg, Russia
- kapoor84pu
- lumtis@zeta-chain
- mannion007@Lendable
- mediocregopherFirenze
- mmcgrana
- mvdan@cue-lang
- nateabele@Proof-Partners
- nbeloglazovGoogle
- PantaniSão Paulo, SP - Brazil
- potmarion
- richhickeyNY
- robpike
- rscGoogle
- stuarthallowayCognitect, Inc.
- tallesl🇧🇷
- tbruyelle@allinbits
- technomancyUSA
- Towerthousand@warpstreamlabs @nestor-labs, @Glovo, @Datadog, @hackupc