
HTTP server receives events and publishes them to STAN

Primary LanguageGo


Publishes events to Nats Streaming(STAN) synchornously and asynchronously. Cache events's publish-state using Redis and Store events using MongoDB. Structure

Event Model

// Event model
type Event struct {
	EventType   string `json:"event_type"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Priority    int    `json:"priority"`
	Payload     string `json:"payload"`


message Event {
  string eventType = 1;
  string description = 2;
  int32 priority = 3;
  string payload = 4;

How to Run

Use docker-compose.yaml file to run containers.

  • Up: docker-compose -f PATH/deployments/docker-compose.yaml up --build
  • Down: docker-compose -f PATH/deployments/docker-compose.yaml down


Name Link
Jaeger localhost:16686
Swagger localhost:3000/swagger/index.html#/