GitHub Dark
Your eyes will ❤️ you.
Our dark style includes support for the following GitHub addons:
- If using Stylish:
- Get the Stylish addon for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox Mobile.
- Then install this style using:
- (with customization options)
- or, add it manually into the editor.
- Use the grunt build process to customize your GitHub Dark theme.
- Please refer to the installation documentation for more details.
- Or, use our GitHub-Dark Script which requires a user script addon, but allows dynamic style changes & updates:bangbang:
Available Syntax Highlighting Themes (Ambiance | Chaos | Clouds Midnight | Cobalt | Idle Fingers* |
Kr Theme | Merbivore | Merbivore Soft | Mono Industrial | Mono Industrial Clear |
Monokai* | Obsidian* | Pastel on Dark* | Solarized Dark* | Terminal |
Tomorrow Night* | Tomorrow Night Blue* | Tomorrow Night Bright* | Tomorrow Night Eigthies* | Twilight* |
Vibrant Ink |
* Supports Jupyter notebook syntax highlighting
- If you're using a custom domain for GitHub Enterprise, be sure to include it though a
rule (Firefox) or add it to theApplies to
section in (Chrome). - If you want GitHub commit messages to use a monospaced font, and have a background color indicating the width limits, check out GitHub Commit Limit.
If you would like to contribute to this repository, please...
- Fork
- Make changes (please read the contribution guidelines and abide by them)
- Create a pull request!
Thanks to all that have contributed so far!
Recent Changes
See the full change log.
Version 1.14.66 (4/4/2016)
- Settings: Webhooks - style item border.
- ZenHub: Add style for Epic functionality.
Version 1.14.65 (4/1/2016)
- Global:
- Add selected dropdown item hover style.
- Tweak heading colors.
- Style arrow for dropdown.
- Issue:
- Fix filter by author background.
- Comments: FIx arrow on saved reply dropdown.
- Feed: Fix "More" button focus highlight.
- Settings: Style saved reply form.
- ZenHub: Remove upload selector.
- Readme: Misc updates.
Version 1.14.64 (3/24/2016)
- Global:
- Tweak Jupyter graphs and GeoJSON maps. See issue #297.
- Fix outline buttons with custom colors.
- Fix header search styling, then reverted & manually merged pull #299; thanks rayrutjes!
- Add color to focused search box badge.
- Add GitHub Awesome Autocomplete support!
- Maps: Tweak maps overlay.
- Issues:
- Fix sort by reactions style.
- Update label dropdown.
- More tweaks to label dropdown.
- Pull request diff: Style "This page is out of date. Refresh" label.
- Showcase:
- Remove header styling. Fixes issue #301.
- Tweak side panels.
- Fix header color.
- Integrations: Fix header color.
- ZenHub: Switch repo button tweaks x2. Fixes issue #303.
- Grunt: Update stylelint rules for version 5. See pull #300; thanks rayrutjes!