category wise product backend


This is a Nodejs backend for category wise product. This backend is developed using Express.js. This backend is connected with MongoDB database with mongoose.


To install this backend you need to clone this repository and run npm install to install all the dependencies.

Running the server

After that you need to run npm start to start the server.

API Endpoints

Category Endpoints

  • GET http://localhost:5000/categories - to get all categories
  • POST http://localhost:5000/categories - To create a new category (please provide the category name in the request body)

Product Endpoints

  • GET http://localhost:5000/categories/:categoryId/products - Fetch products by a specific category ID
  • POST http://localhost:5000/categories/:categoryId/products - Add a new product to a specific category (provide product name and quantity in the request body)


category id is the id of the category which is created by mongodb. i have used postman to test the api i have created 4 category and 2 product for each category

category id

apple - 64c6a36e47f2cbc61f50e243 samsung - 64c6a5bb47f2cbc61f50e24d xiaomi - 64c6a5c347f2cbc61f50e24f OPPO - 64c6a5ce47f2cbc61f50e251

package used

express mongoose nodemon cors body-parser


Mehedi Hasan Khairul