This is a blog site where you can read post. You can register as an Author to create and manage posts and categories.
- Programming Language: Java 17
- Spring Boot: 3.0.1
- Build Tool: Maven
- Database: PostgreSQL
- User Registration and Login
- Update User Information
- Manage Category
- Manage Posts
- Validation for Creation and Updating
- Form Based Authentication
- Role Based Authorization
Go to the Live Link which I provided above. You'll find a Mini Blog UI where you can read posts. Before doing registration, you are just a guest and so you can only read the blog posts. After that, you have to register with your email, password and description to create post, category and manage them. Now, do login with authentic username and password to create post. After a successful authentication, you can create category, post and manage them from your personal dashboard. One more thing is as a normal registerd user, you can not delete any category. You are only able to update and delete your own post. Thank You.