
Exercise 1.1

After make, bin/hw01-1example can be used to run and get the result for the following query:

select s2.name from studenten s1, studenten s2, hoeren h1, hoeren h2 where s1.matrnr = h1.matrnr and s2.matrnr = h2.matrnr and h1.vorlnr = h2.vorlnr and s2.matrnr != s1.matrnr and s1.name = 'Schopenhauer'

Exercise 1.2

After make, bin/hw01-2example can be used to run and get the result for the following query:

select distinct p.name from professoren p, vorlesungen v, hoeren h where p.persnr = v.gelesenvon and v.vorlnr = h.vorlnr group by p.name, v.vorlnr having count(*) >= 2

Trying out SQL Queries

After make, bin/parserexample can be used to run and get the results for any SQL query in the given format such as:

select titel from vorlesungen v, studenten s, hoeren h where s.matrnr = h.matrnr and v.vorlnr = h.vorlnr and s.semester = 2

select * from studenten s1, studenten s2, hoeren h1, hoeren h2 where s1.matrnr = h1.matrnr and s2.matrnr = h2.matrnr and h1.vorlnr = h2.vorlnr and s1.name = 'Schopenhauer'

The query graphs are also outputted in the Graphviz DOT format, which can be visualized in http://www.webgraphviz.com/.

TPCH Example

After make, bin/tpchexample can be used to run and get the results for any SQL query in the given format, with a plan generated by ExhaustiveTransformation2. It is also possible to execute the plans using DPccp with trivial changes (Uncommenting auto plan = dpccpPlan(db, graph); and commenting auto plan = exhaustiveTransformation2Plan(db, graph);).

Quick Pick Example

After make, bin/quickpickexample can be used to run and get the results for HW09.