
The task:

Use one of the public APIs from the list below, build a dashboard to return the next week's forecast for the cities below, and present the daily temperatures in a bar chart. The user should be able to select/filter the city they want to see the data from.

APIs: Note: any API is fine


  • Toronto
  • Ottawa
  • Montreal
  • Quebec city
  • Vancouver

This is a free form exercise for the candidates to demonstrate their abilities and thought process. This only needs to work locally for this demo, and any tech/frameworks can be used. These choices would be the focus of the discussion in the interview. Optional ideas to make this stand out more:

  • Experiment with other types of weather data (like precipitation) and other ways of visualizing it, focusing on user experience
  • Experiment with ways to make the UI more attractive (e.g. animation, responsiveness)

Further development ideas


  • live webcam (as background)
  • map view of cities (radar images?)
  • for day view, make line chart continuous throughout and zoom to specific section on day change


  • use location service/ip geolocation to determine closest city
  • show more forecast days (if available)
  • customizable data (show/hide different stats)
  • add sunrise/sunset time to day view
  • collect data on how often users click on individual day details (which ones? next day, coming weekend, etc) and optimize fetch query
  • cache query results (or should the API be responsible for that?)