OpenDAX BaseApp UI
FREE Open-Source UI for Trading and Wallets Management
Base React application to build a trading platform interface for use with OpenDAX: Why React? Well - it's fresh, fast, flexible, and you can do a lot of UI magic with it without reloading the pages.
You can see an example of a live application running at:
Add an npm auth token for install components library
$ echo "//${NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}" > .npmrc
Install dependencies
$ yarn install
$ yarn build
Run in developement mode
In <rootDir>
$ yarn start
Execute test
In <rootDir>
$ yarn test
For more options for jest
run yarn test --help
To prepare an obfuscated build, run:
docker build -t baseapp:obfuscated
--build-arg BUILD_EXPIRE=1560761577000(unix epoch seconds)
--build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN=""
-f Dockerfile-obfuscator .
You can find all the available build args in the available Docker build args
The resulting image would be accessible by the baseapp:obfuscated
Available Docker build args
While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg
docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="" .
Argument | Description |
Unix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds |
Domain which you'd like to use during the deployment |
The authentication token of used to fetch private packages |
env.js configuration explanation
In public/config
open env.js
Argument | Description |
api |
URLs of barong , peatio , applogic and ranger API endpoints. You can use mockserver ( with default env.js values |
minutesUntilAutoLogout |
Autologout time in minutes |
withCredentials |
false or true if you want to include cookies as part of the request( |
captcha - captchaType |
'recaptcha' , 'geetest' or 'none' |
captcha - siteKey |
Recaptha site key |
gaTrackerKey |
Google Analytics tracker key |
rangerReconnectPeriod |
Reconnection time for the Ranger WS service in minutes |
msAlertDisplayTime |
Alert message display duration in milliseconds |
Available Docker build args
While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg
docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="" .
Argument | Description |
Unix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds |
Domain which you'd like to use during the deployment |
Happy trading with OpenDAX BaseApp UI
If you have designed something beautiful with it, we would love to see it!
And if you have any comments, feedback and suggestions - we are happy to hear from you here at GitHub or at