

Primary LanguageHTML

OpenDAX BaseApp UI

FREE Open-Source UI for Trading and Wallets Management

Base React application to build a trading platform interface for use with OpenDAX: https://github.com/openware/opendax Why React? Well - it's fresh, fast, flexible, and you can do a lot of UI magic with it without reloading the pages.

You can see an example of a live application running at: https://demo.openware.com/

Add an npm auth token for install components library

$ echo "//registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_AUTH_TOKEN}" > .npmrc

Install dependencies

$ yarn install
$ yarn build

Run in developement mode

In <rootDir>

$ yarn start

Execute test

In <rootDir>

$ yarn test

For more options for jest run yarn test --help.


To prepare an obfuscated build, run:

docker build -t baseapp:obfuscated
  --build-arg BUILD_EXPIRE=1560761577000(unix epoch seconds)
  --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="example.com"
  -f Dockerfile-obfuscator .

You can find all the available build args in the available Docker build args section

The resulting image would be accessible by the baseapp:obfuscated tag.

Available Docker build args

While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg: docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="example.com" .

Argument                 Description                                                
BUILD_EXPIRE               Unix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds
BUILD_DOMAIN               Domain which you'd like to use during the deployment
NPM_AUTH_TOKEN The authentication token of npmjs.com used to fetch private packages

env.js configuration explanation

In public/config open env.js

Argument                 Description                                                
api     URLs of barong, peatio, applogic and ranger API endpoints. You can use mockserver (https://github.com/openware/mockserver) with default env.js values
minutesUntilAutoLogout               Autologout time in minutes
withCredentials               false or true if you want to include cookies as part of the request(https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Access-Control-Allow-Credentials)
captcha - captchaType        'recaptcha', 'geetest' or 'none'
captcha - siteKey       Recaptha site key
gaTrackerKey Google Analytics tracker key
rangerReconnectPeriod Reconnection time for the Ranger WS service in minutes
msAlertDisplayTime  Alert message display duration in milliseconds

Available Docker build args

While building a Docker image you can pass build-dependant arguments using --build-arg: docker build -t baseapp:latest --build-arg BUILD_DOMAIN="example.com" .

Argument Description
BUILD_EXPIRE Unix Timestamp of the build expiration date in seconds
BUILD_DOMAIN Domain which you'd like to use during the deployment

Happy trading with OpenDAX BaseApp UI

If you have designed something beautiful with it, we would love to see it!

And if you have any comments, feedback and suggestions - we are happy to hear from you here at GitHub or at https://openware.com