WhatsMyRep is a simple board displaying developers reputation based on TFS work items.
- ASP.NET WEB Api - had to use it because at the time of writing this couldn't find any npm package available to query on premise TFS.
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Jade
- Download WhatsMyRep Api and published it in IIS.
- Don't forget to update TfsCollection application settings in web.config
- Update the developers.json file (App_Data/developers.json). Update the name (same as in TFS) and the email of the developers.It is used mainly for generating Gravatars.
- Download WhatsMyRep Node.js client
- Don't forget to update api url in routes/index.js file
- Install WhatsMyRep as windows service by executing install-windows-service script.
npm run-script install-windows-service
- Start WhatsMyRep windows service. WhatMyRep app will be live at http://localhost:3000