
Code for 'Being the Man in the Middle, Intercepting and Modifying Data in Primo'. Developers Day+, Minneapolis Grand, 10:40 AM

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PrimoVE development

Yarn is prefered as package manager. But any will do.

Directory structure

├── README.md                       This file
├── dist                            Your build folder
│   └── 11INST-VIEW
│       └── js
│           ├── custom.js
│           └── custom.js.map
├── make_package.js                 Packaging code
├── package                         Alma ready. Packaged build
├── package.json                    Environment configuration
├── resources                       Resources
│   ├── 11INST-VIEW                 Institution and ViewID specific files
│   │   ├── img
│   │   ├── html
│   │   └── js
│   └── general                     These files will be added to all Institution and Views
│       ├── img
│       ├── html
│       └── js
├── src                             Source code
│   ├── components                  Component definitions
│   │   └── dotTest
│   │       └── index.js
│   ├── modules                     Module definitions
│   │   ├── interceptors
│   │   └── pubSubInterceptor.js
│   ├── sass                        Style sheets
│   │   ├── base
│   │   ├── layout
│   │   └── style.scss            
│   ├── index.js                    Entry point to custom.js
│   └── loader.js                   Components loader
├── webpack.config.js               Webpack configuration
└── yarn.lock                       yarn.lock file



All static non view specific html, img and js files
CSS files are not stored here since SASS is used to generate them.
If you need to reference an html file from another html file the base path = '/discovery'.
for example: ./custom/11INST-VIEW/hello.html or /discovery/custom/11INST-VIEW /world.html


All static view specific css, html, img and js files


Is used to configure and setup the environment

  "primo": {
    "url": "https://test.primo.exlibrisgroup.com",       #base url of primo
    "institution": "11INST",                             #institution id
    "vidId": "VIEW",                                     #view id to use with `yarn start`
    "build": {                                           #list of views to build
      "views": [
      "dist": "./dist",                                  #build folder
      "resources": "./resources",                        #resource folder
      "package": "./package",                            #packages folder
      "tmp": "./tmpPackage"                              #temp package folder


Start a preview in the browser

yarn start

Build a custom.js file. Will be written to ./dist/[INSTITUTION:VID] folder

yarn build

Watch for changes in the ./src folder and rebuild the custom.js file that will trigger a browser reload.

yarn watch

Package the ./dist folder into something that can be uploaded to Alma

yarn package

Best way to develop.

Run yarn inside the project directory to install all dependencies and possible updates

When using Visual Studio Code open a terminal and run

yarn watch

Open another terminal and run

yarn start

Everytime you update a component it will trigger a rebuild every rebuild will trigger a reload in the browser.

Creating a new component.

Component skeleton

Creates a green dot on screen

class DotTestController {
    constructor() {
        console.log('test component');

export let dotTestComponent = {
    name: 'dot-test',
    config: {
        bindings: {parentCtrl: '<'},
        controller: DotTestController,
        template: "<div style='position:fixed;right: 0;top: 0;color:#009991;opacity:0.5;z-index: 100000;font-size: 10em;'>.</div>"
    enabled: true,
    appendTo: 'prm-top-bar-before',
    enableInView: '.*'
  • name: name of the component.
  • config: see AngularJS
  • enabled: if component enabled in configuration
  • appendTo: a before or after hook to attach your component. If value is NULL then the component can be used anywhere like for example the home page. Get a list of hooks. This varies depending on context.
Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('*')).filter(f => /before|after/.test(f.localName))
  • enabledInView: a RegEx to restrict a component to a view


An interceptor can modify the request and response of an API call.
Interceptors use a publish/subscribe mechanism. It is possible to intercept a request 'before' it is executed or 'after' is was executed and before the UI receives it.

Adding interceptors

Interceptors are stored in the src/modules/pubSubInterceptor/interceptors directory. It is possible to group interceptors in a sub directory. Every "before" interceptor calls the subscribed callback function with a request parameter. Every "after" interceptor calls the subscribed callback method with a response parameter.

For example:

document.addEventListener('pubSubInterceptorsReady', (e) => {    
    pubSub.subscribe('before-pnxBaseURL', (reqRes) => {
        //modify request here
        return reqRes;

    pubSub.subscribe('after-pnxBaseURL', (reqRes) => {
        //modify response here
        return reqRes;

A topic name is constructed by a prefix(after-, before-) and a rest base url as defined by PrimoVE. All restBaseURLs can be queries for using the pubSub object.


List of before-topics


List of after-topics


List all events
