
CSE4082 - Artificial Intelligence - Maze Solver

Primary LanguagePython


CSE4082 - Artificial Intelligence - Maze Solver

The project allows you to test given 6 algorithms for selected maze

  • Depth First Search
  • Breath First Search
  • Greedy Best First Search
  • Iterative Deepening Search
  • Uniform Cost Search
  • A-star Search

Maze file instructions

  • Maze file should be well designed.
  • An example located on /maze/maze.txt
    • S => Starting point
    • G => Goal points
    • T => Traps - increases cost of move
      • Normal moves cost 1
      • If land of trap the cost will be 7

How to run the project

  • Change directory to /src folder
  • Run python src/__init__.py with Python3.x