
This is an example codebase for implementing a todo application on trello. The app simply add a todo and mark one todo as done for now. Backend is on top of Express and frontend is React + Typescript + Redux + Hooks. Tried to push a working version in limited time so there is a lot to improve, I will improve it by time. React components use a MVC pattern to have separation of concerns. I didn't have time to write tests yet, I'll add them soon too. This version is pushed to show as a solution to a challenge, I'll improve it in my free time.

How to run

I dockerized the application and it uses some args in the docker-compose config file.

API_URL: http://localhost:4000

above are the args of frontend. In the earliest commits token will be moved to a setup page, and maybe oauth will be used later. For now to save time, I did it like this. I'll show you how to get APP_TOKEN, TODO_LIST_ID and DONE_LIST_ID.

How to get essential args and Setup

Assuming your board and the lists are pre-configured:

Soon setup will automatic.