
Class Project which have imbalance and limited data. Used CycleGAN to produce more image cover the imbalances. Classified the image with ALexNEt(several loss function and optimizer). Introduce two noise here NAR and NCAR to check how data work under Label noise.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

0-0.png 15-0.png 24-0.png

Result is after completing the epoches into one another (Kaggle Notebook)

  • 1st result after 1 epoch
  • 2nd result is after completing 15 epoch
  • 3rd result is completing 25 epochs

Major Requirements

This code requires

  • Python: 3.6
  • Tensorflow: 2.0.0
  • Keras: 2.3.1

Preparing training and test datasets

  • Download dataset from 2016, Task 3 (https://challenge.isic-archive.com/data)
  • Clone this repo (obviously!)
  • In this directory, make a folder in dataset named isic2016 and keep all files there
  • To build training set and test set
python data_process_isic2016.py
  • To partition the dataset for training CycleGAN (two folders malignant and benign)
python data_process_gan.py

You will see that this script creates two folders trainA and trainB. Due to my utter laziness, I created testA and testB folders manually which are required for visualizing the training process of the CycleGAN. For my experiments, testA consisted of an image from trainA and vice versa.

Training (both stages)

Now that the data is partitioned according to its class label (trainA -> benign and trainB -> malignant), train CycleGAN on this data.

  • Run train_cyclegan.ipynb

This will result in two models: b2m.h5 and m2b.h5 which translate from benign -> malignant and malignant -> benign respectively. For generating the minority class (malignant) using the benign samples using the translation model:

  • Run upsampler.ipynb to oversample and balance the dataset. (Make sure you use b2m.h5 if you train your model. The notebook uses the pretrained weight.)

Train the classification model using the oversampled and balanced dataset

  • Train classifier using train_ISIC_2016.ipynb


The notebook train_ISIC_2016.ipynb consists the code to evalute on the ISIC 2016 test set.