Store API

Spring Boot Application

  • This project provides to add product to basket for existing users.


  • A user must have a basket.
  • More than one product can be added to a basket.

The application has 3 services

  • ProductService
  • UserService
  • BasketProductService


  • It performs the operations of product creation, product deletion, product update and product listing.


  • It performs the operations of user creation, user deletion, user update and user listing.


  • It provides adding comment into the basket.
  • It has a method called addProductToBasket that takes a request called addProductRequest. This request includes user_id, product_id and quantity.

Tech Stack

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3.1.2
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Restful API
  • H2 In memory database
  • MySQL


  • Maven
  • Docker

File Structure

  • config
  • controller
  • dto
  • exception
  • model
  • repository
  • service

Layered Architecture
