
This Ansible playbook is designed to automate the installation of Zabbix 6 on Ubuntu 20.04. Zabbix is an open-source monitoring solution that helps you to keep track of the performance and availability of your IT infrastructure.


  • Ansible 2.9 or later
  • A Ubuntu 20.04 host to run the playbook on
  • A running MySQL server
  • A user with root or sudo privileges
  • The MySQL root password should be passed as a variable, mysql_root_password
  • Zabbix frontend and server configuration, zabbix.conf.j2, should be in the same directory


  1. Clone or download the playbook to your local machine
  2. Edit the zabbix.conf.j2 file with your specific configurations.
  3. Run the playbook with the command:

ansible-playbook -i <inventory-file> --extra-vars "mysql_root_password=<root_password>" zabbix-install.yml

  1. Replace <inventory-file> with the path to your inventory file and <root_password> with the actual password for the root user of the MySQL server.

What the Playbook Does

  • The playbook will add the Zabbix repository to the system.
  • It will install Zabbix server, frontend and agent.
  • Creates a database for Zabbix.
  • Imports the initial schema and data.
  • Configuring PHP-FPM and Apache web server.
  • Start and enable Zabbix and Apache service.


The playbook is intended to be a starting point for your Zabbix installation on Ubuntu 20.04 and will require adjustments to suit your specific needs. Also, it is a good practice to test it in a testing environment before running on production.