Repository for CS-302 Design and Analysis of Algorithms course project
The architecture of the project includes the use of Spring Boot framework for backend and a React app on the frontend.
The project implements the following Classical Dynamic Programming Algorithms:
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Shortest Common Super Sequence
- Edit Distance
- 0-1 Knapsack
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Partitioning
- Rod Cutting
- Coin Change
- Wordbreak
The code for the algorithm is taken from the following sources:
- LCS (William Fiset Algorithm Repository at Github)
- SCSS (Geeks for geeks)
- ED (William Fiset Algorithm Repository at Github)
- KP 0-1 (William Fiset Algorithm Repository at Github)
- LIS (William Fiset Algorithm Repository at Github)
- MCM (Geeks for geeks)
- Partitioning (Geeks for geeks)
- Rod Cutting (Geeks for geeks)
- Coin Change (William Fiset Algorithm Repository at Github)
- Wordbreak (Geeks for geeks)