
Ingest data from a relational database into Elasticsearch

Primary LanguagePython

Ingestor Program


The Ingestor program extracts data from a relational database (MariaDB in this example) and indexes it into Elasticsearch. It serves as a bridge between traditional relational databases and Elasticsearch for efficient data retrieval and analysis.



flask elasticsearch pymysql


Before running the Ingestor program, make sure to configure the following parameters according to your environment:

  • Database Settings:

    • Database Name: Replace "nation" with your actual database name.
    • Database URI: Replace mysql+pymysql://root:@localhost:3307/ with your database URI. Modify the username, password, host, and port as needed. You can use environment variables (os.environ.get) for sensitive information like passwords.
  • Elasticsearch Settings:

    • Ensure Elasticsearch is running and accessible.
    • Optionally, edit the environment variables (ELASTIC_USERNAME and ELASTIC_PASSWORD) to securely provide credentials.


  1. Activate Virtual Environment:
source path_to_your_virtualenv/bin/activate  # Linux/Mac
path_to_your_virtualenv\Scripts\activate    # Windows
  1. Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the Ingestor Program:
python ingestor.py

This will start ingesting data from your database into Elasticsearch, allowing you to query your indices using Python or any programming language or through Kibana for enhanced performance and visualization.