
batch number conversion project using MIPS for class CS5330 (Computer Architecture) at the University of Texas at Dallas.

Primary LanguageAssembly

Batch Number Conversion

Problem Statement

Prompt the user for the file name, then input and open it.
Each request is a single line as follow:
Input type (one character, b: binary, d: decimal, or h: hexadecimal)
Input length (1 to 32)
Output type (one character, B: binary, D: decimal, or H: hexadecimal)
Colon (:) and space
Input value in the appropriate format including optional sign. Whitespace may be used for character grouping. If used, it does not count as part of the input length.
Output the data as follows:
Input type (one character, b: binary, d: decimal, or h: hexadecimal)
Colon (;) and space
Value input
Semicolon (;) and space
Output type (one character, B: binary, D: decimal, or H: hexadecimal)
Colon (;) and space
Output value
Clean up after all input lines have been processed.
Your test file must include all combinations of conversions including implicitly and explicitly signed values. Binary and hexadecimal output should always include thirty-two bits. Decimal output must not include leading zeroes.
Upload code, your test file, and report here.
Bonus points:
5 points for insertion of spaces between every grouping of four characters in binary and hexadecimal outputs.
5 points for insertion of commas between grouping of three characters, for decimal outputs, counting from the right.

Input Type (one character, b: binary, d: decimal, or h: hexadecimal), Input Length (1 to 32), Output Type (one character, b: binary, d: decimal, or h: hexadecimal), Colon (:) and space and value input (signed/unsigned decimal, binary or hexadecimal with optional whitepaces).

Input Type (one character, b: binary, d: decimal, or h: hexadecimal), Colon (;) and space and Output value (covered value). of one character which is a binary (b), decimal (d), or hexadecimal (h)

		# ReadLine
			ReadInputType (Done is established)
			Skip two bytes
			Read for optional sign (ignoring whitespace)
			Read first value character into number (ignoring whitespace)
			Loop over InputLength-1
				number *= base
				read next value (ignoring whitespace)
				number += next
			Read until '\n' is found.
			Apply optional negative sign.
		If (Done) break
		# Output
			Output input info
			{output	.space 0:40}
			current = address of output[39]
			assume number contains the input value in internal format
			if number is negative, set flag and negate number
			loop (B:32, D:10, H:8)
				decrement current
				div number, base => Q, R
				Place R at current
				set number to Q
				if decimal output type and Q == 0, break
			if negative, place '-' at current-1
	End Loop
	# CleanUp
	Close File