
Real-time face and eye detection Python script implemented with OpenCV

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Face Detector

A simple Python script implemented with OpenCV.
I used the XML face and eyes data from the OpenCV repository and cv2 Python package to use them in my script.
Used packages are OpenCV and NumPy.

How it works

This script detects all of your cameras (if there's none it'll crash) before opening any windows, then a window opens and it'll start detecting faces and eyes.
I tried to explain every line plainly, but if you didn't get any part of it try to search it, it'll help you massively!
Try connecting your phone's camera to your PC for better quality and more detection accuracy of course. Just don't forget to change the index of VideoCapture (line 26) to change the camera in use (try changing indexes until you find the suitable camera).

How to run

The first thing you need to do is downloading and installing Python3.
After that, download the files from the releases section and extract them.
Then open the cmd, Terminal, or shell (whatever you call it! 🙂) in that folder, and enter:

python faceDetector.py

NOTE: use python3 instead of python, if you're running on Linux or macOS.
This command should start the script. After that, it may take a while till a window appears, because at the first run it'll start to download and install the OpenCV and NumPy Python packages (if you didn't have them already) which need to download about 60MB of files, then you good to go!

Hope you enjoy it, find it useful, and learn something from it! 👍🏼