
My own simple Date class

Primary LanguagePerl

    MyDate - An object oriented very simple Date class.

      use MyDate;

      # simple date arithmetic: what could be simpler than this?

      $d = MyDate->today;
      print "Tomorrow is ", $d + 1;

      $christmas = MyDate->new("2006-12-24"); 
      # or
      $christmas = MyDate->new(2006,12,14);

      $days_to_xmas = 0;
      while ($d++ < $christmas) {
      print "There are ", $days_to_xmas, " days remaining until Christmas";

    This is a very simple Date class to allow a simple interface to the most
    basic type of date calculations. Only a few types of methods are
    available for now. The class overloads a few arithmetic operators to
    allow the simpler interface to date calculations. It only expects do to
    simple date calculations in the same time zone as is defined by your
    system or Perl, so don't expect to do any timezone calculations with
    this module.

      $date = MyDate->new;   # sets $date to today
      $date = MyDate->today; # same thing
      $date = MyDate->now;   # sets $date to today and time to now

    there are a few convenient ways to initialize a date object to a
    particular date:

      $xmas = MyDate->new("2006-12-24"); # sql like date
      $xmas = MyDate->new(2006,12,24);   # Date::Calc like date
      $xmas = MyDate->new($another_date_object); # Date::Calc like date

      $meeting_at = MyDate->new(2006,12,24,7,45,00);
      $meeting_at = MyDate->new($another_date_object . " 07:45:00");

  add_day(), add_hour(), add_min(), add_sec(), add_month()
    Adds a day (or hour or min etc) to the date. Or if you give it the
    number of days/hours/minutes etc to add. Does not modify the original
    date object but returns a new date object after the performing the

      $today = MyDate->new("2006-01-30");
      $tomorrow = $today->add_day;

      print "Tomorrow is $tomorrow\n";
      print "but today is still $today";

      # should print something like:
      # Tomorrow is 2006-01-31
      # but today is still 2006-01-30

      $day_after_tomorrow = $today->add_day( 2 );

      $date = $today->add_min;
      print $date;
      # will print "2006-01-31 12:25:21"
      # basically adds 1 min to the current datetime object.

      $date = $today->add_month;
      # will advance your date to the same day next month.
      so $date = MyDate->new("2001-01-01");
      $date->add_month will become "2001-02-01"

      but $date = MyDate->new("2001-01-31")
      $date->add_month will become "2001-02-29"
      it should account correctly for leap years.

    Subtract day subtracts a day from your date. There is no subtract_hour,
    subtract_min etc. Because subtract_day is just an alias to add_day
    anyway. You can basically use a negative argument to subtract
    min,hour,sec etc.

      $yesterday = $today->subtract_day;
      $five_minutes_ago = $today->add_min( -5 );

  + -
    + - are overloaded to use add_day or substract_day.

    So you can do things like:

      $date_next_year = $date + 365;

  compare (<, <=, >=, >, <=>)
    uses a dates time value to compare two dates.

      my $d1 = MyDate->new("2006-01-01 3:45:00");
      my $d2 = MyDate->new("2006-01-01 3:46:00");
      if ($d2 > $d1) {
         print "d2 is greater than d1\n";

  day_name | day_name_short
      $date = MyDate->new("2001-01-01");
      print "Jan 1st 2001 was a ", $date->day_name;
      prints "Jan 1st 2001 was a Monday";

      $date->day_name_short; returns the short name (first 3 characters).

  as_string, to_s, to_date, to_datetime
    The date object overloads stringification to print out the date in a sql

      print $date->as_string; # prints "2006-01-01";
      print "date is $date";  # print "date is 2006-01-01"

    to_s is a Ruby-esque alias for the Java-esque as_string.

    as_date returns just the date part of a date object. as_datetime returns
    the date and time.

    This module is considered experimental at the moment, so even though I
    don't know of any bugs in the code, use at your own risk. I find this
    module very convenient to use but I've developed this with the 
    XP practice of
    <a ref="http://c2.com/xp/YouArentGonnaNeedIt.html">YAGNIL</a>
    "Always implement things when you actually need them, never when you just
    foresee that you need them."

    $date->add_year is not implemented yet, since I haven't had to use it
    yet. :-)

    t/01.t - the test script to see examples of the interface being used.
