
A sample flask app which provides APIs for sending SMS.

Primary LanguagePython


A sample flask app which provides APIs for sending SMS.

The Stack

  • Python 3.4
  • Flask
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-RESTful, Flask-HTTPAuth, Flask-Redis



  1. PostgreSQL >= 9.0 - https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/tutorial-install.html
  2. Redis >= 2.8 - https://redis.io/download#installation
  3. Load datadump in PostgreSQL - psql -U <username> <db_name> < testdatadump.txt
  4. Python >= 3.4 - https://www.python.org/downloads/

After all prerequisites are installed, follow these steps :

  1. Clone this repo - git clone https://github.com/mehtadhaval/python-flask-sample-app.git
  2. Change into the directory - cd python-flask-sample-app
  3. Create virtualenv - virtualenv venv --python=/usr/bin/python34
  4. Activate virtualenv - source venv/bin/activate
  5. Install required python libs - pip install -r requirements.pip
  6. Update config according to local environment in config_dev.py
  7. Start the server - python run.py

Running Tests

This app is bundled with test cases. To run test cases, just execute

python tests.py

If all tests pass, it should print following output

Ran 12 tests in 10.233s