
library to take mongodb backup


Back It Up from Instance to Instance


  • Purpose of this mongoback library is to make it easy for user to take backup from one instace and restore it on another instance by just configuring one config file.

    NOTICE:don't use this library, If remote instace database have possibility of 
    modification by app server beetween backups. Because basically, What  library 
    does is making clone of local instace to remote instance.so it'll drop db  on 
    your remote instance.


  • To install, You need to clone this directory to your local machine or instance that you want take backup from.
  • Then, cd to that directory and fire following command in Terminal.
 $ sudo python setup.py install


  • First you need to define config variable as following in script:
import os
from mangoback import MangoBack

    "backup_config": {
        "backup_dir": os.getcwd() + "/backup/"
    "restore_config": {
        "remote": True,
        "instance_url": "ubuntu@ec2-435-134-234-225.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com",
        "remote_dir": "/home/ubuntu/backup",
        "pem_file": "/home/aniket/Desktop/projects/keys/example.pem"

MG = MangoBack(CONFIG)
  • Before running script, First make directory in remote instance where you'll store your backup.

  • To initialise, pass CONFIG variable in MangoBack class, Use run() function to start process.

    $sudo python mbconfig.py 
  • Remember that if your mongod process is not running on remote server and you only want copy backup files then, You must Disable remote variable in restore_config.

  • Authentication in place then, You must Enable auth system and provide uname and pwd while configuring.

  • Always add absolute PATH in configure file. Because rsync can not understand relative path.