Our firt readme

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  • another bullet
Rows Row 2
one two

Commands to run:

  1. For cloning use git clone and paste the url.
  2. Now login using this: ssh -T git@github.com -i ~/.ssh/key_for_github/
  3. Use cd foldername ( to enter the folder where changes will be done)
  4. Use git init to change the folder to the current working directory
  5. Use git add . to add all the files in the directory to git.
  6. Use git status to check for changes and also for tracked and untracked files.
  7. Use git commit -m "message here"
  8. Go to github and create a new repository with the names required for the assignment.
  9. Use git remote add origin git@github.com:mehul-deep/assignment-1.git (Get this link from the new repository made in no.8)
  10. Use git push -u origin main
  11. Use git remote rm origin