Traffic Turbo 🏍️

Traffic Turbo is a road based environment where the agent (top left corner) is trained to reach his home (bottom right corner). The training & Testing for one of the random environments can be seen here

The enviroment


The environment consists of the following elements

  • Road : Reward =-3
  • Boost : Reward = 0
  • Traffic Signal : Reward =-20
  • Car Jam : Reward =-50
  • House: Reward = 500

The end goal of the agent is to take up an optimal path so as to keep a high reward at the end of the episode. Any move is considered invalid if

  1. Goes out of the enviroment
  2. Any cell is already visited in a particular episode

Setting up the environment

This has been done using Pygame library that provides GUI components & animation capabilities for python projects.

Training & Testing

The agent has been trained using Q Learning technique in Reinforcement learning for ~2.k episodes using random states as initialization point for each episode.

Pretrained environments

For playing around, weights for 2 environments have been trained till 2k episodes & stored in env_weights function. For trying, initialize the game_env object with '1' or 'final_v'

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