
WordPress Nonce Implementation Object Oriented Way

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

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WordPress Nonce In An Object Oriented Way.

Basic Usage

  1. Create a demo composer.json file in your plugin.
  2. Run composer install
  3. It will load plugin dependency in a vendor/ folder

demo composer.json

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url" : "https://github.com/mehulkaklotar/wp-nonce"
    "require": {
        "mehulkaklotar/wp-nonce" : "1.0.*"

Here I have created a demo plugin to use this system. WP Nonce Client

The Settings:

WP Nonce need an action to find the current action which is secured by a nonce. The first parameter of the configuration defines this name. Usually forms or URLs passes the nonce. The second parameter is for request key. In this case, we would expect the nonce to be in $_REQUEST['request_name'].

$setting = new NonceSetting( 

To Create a Nonce

To create a simple Nonce, use NonceCreate:

$nonce_create = new NonceCreate( $setting );
$nonce = $nonce_create->create();

To add a nonce to an URL, you can use

$nonce_create = new NonceCreateURL( $setting );
$url = $nonce_create->create_url( 'http://example.com/' );

Return URL will be: http://example.com/?request_name=$nonce

To add a form field:

$create = new NonceCreateField( $setting );
$field = $create->create_field();

Return field will be: <input type="hidden" name="request_name" value="$nonce">

Replicate wp_nonce_field() functionality by adding two parameters: (bool) $referer and (bool) $echo. Both are set to false by default.

Set $referer to true, field will be appended with the URL of the current page. Set $echo to true, it will echo the field, before create_url().

To Verify a Nonce

To verify a nonce, you can use NonceVerify:

$nonce_verify = new NonceVerify( $setting );
$is_valid = $nonce_verify->verify( $nonce );