Ember Website
This repository contains the blog content for the Ember.js public website.
Other parts of the public website are separate apps:
New contributors are welcome! The website is maintained by an all-volunteer team, and we are thankful for your help.
The best way to get started is to find issue labeled "good first issue" or "help wanted." If you have questions or want a buddy to pair with, drop by the #dev-ember-learning channel on the Ember Community Discord. Like most open source projects, contributors are encouraged to open an issue to propose changes and iterate on ideas before investing time in coding. Some tips for working with git/GitHub can be found in Making your first pull request in the Guides respository.
To contribute to the Ember Times, a blog newsletter with weekly updates from the Ember land, please refer to this Contributing Guide.
Contributing troubleshooting
We are using Alex for insensitive language checking and markdownlint. If your CI branch build is failing from these linters, please see Contributing Guide for more info.
Running locally with Docker (recommended)
This is the recommended method to run the website app locally. Although the website is built with Ruby, most work is done in Markdown files. You don't need to know Ruby or install its dependencies to help out. Follow the Docker container instructions below to install and run locally.
First, install Docker and Compose and leave it running.
Next, the commands below will install all necessary dependencies for the website app and start a server. This will take a little while to run, possibly a few minutes. The dependencies will be installed inside a Docker container, and do not affect your normal developer environment.
git clone git://github.com/emberjs/website.git
cd website
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Subsequent runs will be much faster once all the dependencies are installed.
You can view the site locally at http://localhost:4567
Running locally with Ruby and Middleman
If you are unable to use Docker as described above, here's how to get started installing dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/ember-learn/ember-blog.git
cd ember-blog
bundle exec middleman
Then visit http://localhost:4567/
If the bundle
command is not found, you can install it with gem install bundler
If the bundle
command fails to run, you may need to upgrade your Ruby version. Please check the current supported version that described at .ruby-version.
You can use RVM to install it:
curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
rvm install $(cat .ruby-version)
rvm use $(cat .ruby-version)
Troubleshooting tips for Windows devs
For Windows developers using RubyInstaller, you'll need to download the DevKit and install it using instructions: https://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller/wiki/Development-Kit
After you have a proper install, you can then run:
gem install bundler wdm tzinfo-data
gem update listen middleman
Once Middleman comes up, you'll be prompted by Windows Firewall. Click "Allow access" and you'll be in business!