NodeJS on k8s

This is a tiny "Hello world" app written in NodeJS for Kubernetes.

This README includes the necessary instructions to deploy the app along with its dependencies on a Minikube kubernetes cluster.


The following tools must be installed in order to be able to deploy the setup:

  • Minikube
  • Docker
  • kubectl
  • Helm

Clone the repository

First things first, we need to clone this repository on our local machine:

git clone
cd nodejs-k8s/

Prepare the minikube cluster

Make sure that the minikube cluster is started with the flag --vm=true because we will need to enable the ingress addon:

minikube start --vm=true

Enable the ingress addon:

minikube addons enable ingress

To be able to access the services deployed on minikube later, we need to start by adding an entry to the /etc/hosts file with the following command:

echo "$(minikube ip) jenkins.default.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Run the app

This section provides instructions for running the app on Minikube. The following guides describe 2 different ways to deploy the nodejs-k8s app on Minikube:

  • Manual Setup provides step-by-step instructions to build and deploy the app manually to Minikube.
  • Automated CI/CD Setup provides instructions for an automated CI/CD setup where Jenkins is deployed and then used to build and deploy the application to Minikube.

Cleaning up

Simple run the script to delete any resources created in Minikube.