
Kotidgy aka "Kotlin Text Indexed Data Generator" is an index-based text data generator written in Kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Kotidgy aka "Kotlin Text Indexed Data Generator" is an index-based text data generator written in Kotlin.

Write this

kotidgy {
    templates {
          t { +"Hello" }
          t { +"Hi" / "Aloha" + ", man !" }
          t { +f { any { 2..100 } } + " apples " + "on the " + "plate" / "table" }
          t { +f { all { 2..3 } } + " apples " + "on the " + "plate" / "table" }

Get that

Hi, man !
Aloha, man !
2 apples on the plate
3 apples on the plate
2 apples on the table
3 apples on the table
... skipped 194 other lines
100 apples on the table
100 apples on the table
23 apples on the plate
23 apples on the table

Use it as a library

Declare dependency


Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):



Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

Groovy DSL

dependencies {
    implementation 'com:meiblorn:kotidgy:1.0.0.RELEASE'

Make sure that you have either jcenter() or mavenCentral() in the list of repositories:

repository {

Gradle Kotlin DSL

Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

dependencies {

Make sure that you have either jcenter() or mavenCentral() in the list of repositories.

Write the code

Kotlin example:

val engine = KotidgyEngine()

val project = kotidgy {
  templates {
      t { +"Hello" }
      t { +"Hi" / "Aloha" }
      t { +f { 2..3 } + " apples" }

val samples = engone.generate(project)
// Assert here is just for an illustration
assert(samples.toList() == listOf(
    Sample(IndexId(0), "Hello"),
    Sample(IndexId(0), "Hi"),
    Sample(IndexId(1), "Aloha"),
        Sample(IndexId(0), " apples")
        Sample(IndexId(0), " apples")

for (sample in samples) {

Output will be:

2 apples
3 apples

Use it as a script

  • Provide jar directly:
java -jar <%path_to%>/kotidgy.jar <%path_to%>/examples/kotlin/script/index.kotidgy.kts
#!/usr/bin/env kscript

// Declare dependencies

import com.meiblorn.kotidgy.dsl.*

kotidgy {
    templates {
        t { +"hi" }
        t { +"hello" / "aloha" }

Use it as a docker container

docker run \
    -v $(pwd)/examples/kotlin/script:/data \ 
    meiblorn/kotidgy \

Kotidgy DSL

Project definition:

  • kotidgy / project — kotidgy project definition wrappers
    • templates — templates definitions wrapper
      • t / template — template definition

Template definition:

  • Every template must start from the + sign. It is mandatory cast to the Kotlin Type-Safe Builders DSL.
  • Template operators:
    • unary + — start of the template
    • binary + — concatenation
    • / — alternative operator
    • all and any - collection/iterable wrapper operators.
      • any — converts collection items to alternatives (like it is written using / operator: e.g. item1 / item2 / ...)
      • all — concatenates collection items (e.g. item1.toString() + item2.toString() + ...)
    • f or lambda or call — kotlin call operator.
      • All return types are accepted
      • If call operator returns instance of list or iterable types then instance will be automatically converted to any collection
      • .toString() is called for the object rendering.

Why Kotlin ?

  1. Kotlin is a mature programming language
  2. Kotlin is a type safe language
  3. Kotlin has a native DSL builder support.
  4. Writing a new own programming language is a very expensive operation both in time and effort.
  5. Kotlin can do much more than own language and has less bugs.
  6. It has an amazing huge community: Java + Kotlin
  7. Kotlin can be used to write Bash scripts
  8. Native IDE support and highlighting: Intellij Idea (it is also available for Free)


You are welcome to contribute ! Just submit your PR and become a part of Kotidgy community!

Please read contributing.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Vadim Fedorenko - Meiblorn -Initial work

See also the list of authors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Your questions will appear here. Feel free to ask me.