A small Swing application built with maven to give a simple front end to the vigenere_util library.
In order to install this application from source, first git clone https://github.com/hiraethus/vigenere_util
and do a mvn clean install
on it to add the jar to your local repository.
Then git clone swingenere (git clone https://github.com/hiraethus/swingenere
) and call the following command on it:
mvn clean package assembly:single
Add error notification when invalid message or key entered- Add meaningful messages to be internationalised
- Add i18n support
to UI- to errors
- Add SLF4J logging
- Consider adding cryptanalysis utils
- Kasiski examination
- Friedman test (etc. see Wikipedia)
- Consider add visualisation of encryption/decryption
- Consider doing JavaFX impl
- Ensure threading used