
Free and open-source alternatives to paid church software.

MIT LicenseMIT

Free and OpenSource Church Software

Free and open-source alternatives to paid church software


This project is not intended to:

  • Discourage or diminish the use or effectiveness of great paid church software
  • Be a comprehensive list of all open-source church software (See here instead)
  • Provide the best solution to all church software needs
  • Be a guide on how to install/configure each software suggested

This project is intended to:

  • Provide Free and OpenSource alternatives to paid software
  • Demonstrate a 'no-cost' software stack that could theoretically be used in a church plant with very limited financial resources.
  • Suggest practical and working church software solutions

Some of the suggested software will...

  • Require advanced installation which may necessitate an IT person
  • Not be as full featured as paid options
  • Be in active development or not actively maintained, and thus may have bugs or 'rough edges'
  • Not be specifically designed for churches, but will provide the necessary functionality

Categories of Church Software

Churches often have the following software requirements:

  • Website Management
  • Document Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Presentation
  • Live Streaming
  • Congregation Management
  • Tithing/Offering Management
  • Bible App

Are we missing a category? Suggest one here or fork this project and submit a pull requset.

Suggested Software

The list of suggested software below is a work in progress. Please contribute if you know of better Free and OpenSource solutions! Additional details will eventually be added to each software solution (pros/cons, difficulty of installation, demo links, known issues, etc)

Website Management


Document Management


Financial Accounting





Live Streaming


Congregation Management


Tithing/Offering Management


Bible App
