See: Introduce Mobx
- Core conception is simple
- Powerful MVVM pattern
- Reusable MVVM methods/classes
- Extremly fast: Component-level leaf update
It's important to reuse some common MVVM pattern.
There's many common patterns in mobx-utils.
You can write even more common patterns and reuse them, like:
- Write a pattern to implement a general paging query pattern. see examples
- Write a pattern to implement a target that can moved by mouse/touch starts with onMouseDown/onTouchDown event. see examples
- Write a pattern to support undo/redo
- Write a pattern to implement a general OT-based cooperation for any JSON object with json-ot
- Pure Model is just Plain Observable Object
- i.e.
- i.e.
- Pure View is any view that:
- with no state
- with no action
- Pure ViewModel is viewmodel that:
- for just one view
But why?
- Pure Model make it easier to serialize/deserialize any data, and even more:
- save history states
- use IDL to share model definition with backend/microservices without any hand-written model code
- cooperate it with json-ot
- Pure View make it possible to use a template, which makes view code:
- simpler, cleaner
- less bug
- Pure ViewModel makes your code:
- easier to orgnanize
But it may leads to a very very big ViewModel?
Maybe, because ViewModel contains all "logic code", but you can:
- Use global store for shared states
- Use common MVVM pattern to reduce many many code
- Split big
, each has own view & viewModel - Use
/subclasses to split code, but only one root ViewModel for one View.
Yuri Gagarin: First man of Space
YuriJS = Vue Template + Mobx + React
YuriJS provides a loader that compiles vue template into react component, and use a Mobx ViewModel for data-binding.
<div class="root">
Hello, @yurijs!
<button @click="++counter">+</button>
<button @click="--counter">-</button>
import { makeObservable, observable } from 'mobx';
export default class CounterViewModel {
constructor() {
counter = 0;
.root {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
- vue-compatible template
- react compatible, component friendly
- compatible with antd or any other react component package
- observable props, element-level leaf update
- You can write a real big template with good performance for updating
- less code: no
needed more. - hot reload while keeping state
- small, simple, easy, replacable
- It's just react with vue template, you can replace it with raw react component any time
We even will provide a vue-template to miniapp/ReactNative compiler to run yurijs application on different platform in future.
Install dependencies:
npm install --save-dev \
@yuri/template-loader \
npm install --save \
@yuri/runtime \
@yuri/html \
classnames mobx mobx-react-lite
# or with yarn:
yarn add --dev \
@yuri/template-loader \
yarn add \
@yuri/runtime \
@yuri/html \
classnames mobx mobx-react-lite
# Omit @yuri/html if you like to use own component collection.
Add webpack rule in module/rules:
module.exports = {
module: {
rules: [
// Add following lines:
test: /\.template$/,
use: (__DEV__
? [
loader: '@yurijs/hmr-template-loader',
: []
loader: '@yurijs/template-loader',
options: {
cssModules: true,
- cssModules(boolean, default=false): use css module for class names
- styleExtension(string, default=.css): configure style sheet extension(.less/.scss)
- defaultNS(string, default=@yurijs/html): configure default component modules
Not implemented yet.
Write a directive tag in template file:
<!-- import as a namespace -->
<import module="antd" />
<antd:Button>Click Me</antd:Button>
<!-- import as a namespace with another name -->
<import module="antd" as="extra" />
<extra:Button>Click Me</extra:Button>
<!-- import components -->
<import module="antd" name="Button,Input" />
<button>Click Me</button>
<import module="../components" name="Button" />
<button>Click Me</button>
You can write a '.d.ts' to provide type support for user
import { ComponentType } from 'react';
export interface HomeProps {}
declare const Home: ComponentType<HomeProps>;
export default Home;
- Install official vue extension: vetur
- Open a file with .template extension
- CtrlOrCmd+Shift+P -> Change Language Mode -> Configure file association for '.template' -> Vue-html
# install dependencies
# build runtime & html
yarn build
# run example with webpack
cd examples/simple
yarn start
- Component compatibility
- Different v-model onXXXChange not supported(input/checkbox)
- Logic with children(Tab/Select in some library)
- Renderer props(Table/VirtualizedList in some library)
- Not support import any default exports
- Not support export with name
- Vue-HTML features
- Event modifier
- Falsy value behavior
- Different import grammar
- Dev Experience:
- HMR broken after life-cycle errors
- Missing formatter
- Missing auto complete