webp batch convert pics gradle plugin

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This plugin can find the jpg,png files under the directory of /build/intermediates/res/${flavorName}/${buildType} while gradle building, and then auto convert them into webp files.

So,the generated apk is included with the webp pics.

The rule to find the target pic:

  1. the directories which name starts with 'drawable'
  2. the suffix name of the file is 'jpg' or 'png'
  3. exclude the .9 pic

The plugin task named webpConvertPlugin,which will execute before processXXXResource Task


Android support webp file naturly from 4.0 ,so you don't need to change your code if you minSdkVersion is 15+

But please pay attention,if your apk is using the jpg with transparency,then the convert webp file will not work below 4.2.1.

refer to :http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html


Install 'webp' command tools

  1. Install by homebrew :

    brew install webp
  2. install by macports:

    download the necessary pkg on http://distfiles.macports.org/MacPorts/ and install then run the command lines:

     export PATH=$PATH:/opt/local/bin
     sudo port selfupdate
     sudo port install webp
  3. use 'cwebp' command in terminal to check if it installed success.

reference to : https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/docs/precompiled#installing_cwebp_and_dwebp_on_os_x_with_macports


  1. add below code in the outer build.gradle file(which is in the same directory of settings.gradle)

    classpath 'com.mogujie.gradle:webpConvertPlugin:1.1.34'

  2. add below code in the inner build.gradle file(which is in the same directory of src)

         apply plugin: 'webpConvert'
         webpinfo {
     	    //if skip the task when debug
     	    skipDebug = true
     	    //if print log
     	    isShowLog = false
  3. add one file called 'webp_white_list.txt'(it will be created auto if the file don't exist when the plugin executed),it can keep the file you don't want to convert.just as below:


now,clean your project then build it .you will find the webp pics is in your generated apk

gradle clean
gradle assembleDebug


webpConvertPlugin is licensed under the MIT license

contact me:boyue@mogujie.com