• daemon, option to set import only to to usb stick pending folder, notify admin about pending import

  • populate xnview thumbs and keywords after import

  • if import is running for more than 1 hour maybe reset?

  • use supervisor program

  • mount win share on linux -> install NTFS on windows server

  • add keyword Orangutan if it is an orangutan name (phpfilesorter?)

  • Very small web interfsce add user send notify when done

OK- destination flag, all files will be imported (structured) to basepath + destination + derived path OK - daemon, discover when usb is plugged (same again) OK - add sound as OK and ERR signals as when runnign script on the server NOPE- store original file name (parts) in metadata as an option OK - mount USB drives if they are not mounted (happens mostly on servers) OK - move everything to live environment OK - when importing from USB, set ignore path in tagger to the base path of the stick OK - limit max amount of data processed at any time (process in batch if more than > 1000) OK - improve structuring where the file is put OK - group files that have only dates OK - group files that only have orangutan names OK - keywords adding to file in a more structured way author to author location as location etc OK - ASYNC duplication problem? OK - don't start the tagger if already tagged the files OK - how to deal with duplicate imports? OK - if can't get date from file name, try getting month and year from exiftool in php-filesorter OK - php-filesorter send each metadata object with echo to node, in node process each object and append to internal array OK - integrate tagging of the files with exiftool