
Add CodeCov

brunoocasali opened this issue · 2 comments

⚠️ This issue is generated, it means the examples and the namings do not necessarily correspond to the language of this repository.
Also, if you are a maintainer, please add any clarification and instructions about this issue.

Sorry if this is already wholly/partially implemented. Feel free to let me know about the state of this issue in the repo.

Related to meilisearch/integration-guides#59

Codecov helps us to know if a PR add non-tested code. If it's the case, we don't accept the PR.
It's easy to install, easy to configure.


  • Add CodeCov to this repository.
  • Add the CodeCov badge on this repository
  • Ensure a minimum coverage is accepted (optional)

Hey @brunoocasali, I don’t know much about codecov, but in rust when people want to do codecoverage, they 100% use this lib:

I have some experience with this tool..Also, check this:

Working with tarpaulin, I found some weird not coveraged cases that we never understood it...